Issue - meetings

2006/07 Capital Outturn Report

Meeting: 05/06/2007 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 8)

8 2006/07 Capital Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 41 KB

This report is to:

·        inform Members of the final outturn position of the 2006/07 Capital Programme.

·        advise Members of changes to existing schemes to allow the more effective management and monitoring of the Capital Programme.

·        inform Members of any slippage in budgets between financial years.

·        inform Members of any new schemes and seek approval for their addition to the 2007/08 to 2009/10 Capital Programme.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:(i) That the updates to the scheme detailed in the report be noted;


(ii)               That the scheme slippage set out in the report and summarised in Annex 1 be agreed;


(iii)             That the revised capital programme as set out in Annex 1 of the report be approved.


REASON:                  In order to allow the effective monitoring of the Capital Programme.


Members considered a report that informed Members of the final outturn position of the 2006/07 Capital Programme.


Officers reported that the key item was the building of a new swimming pool on the Oaklands School site. This had been a

significant change to the programme.


Members asked the Officer what was happening with the Danebury Drive Allotments and the Officer clarified that various

improvements had been made to make the allotments more amenable and secure. 


Members then asked the Officer to clarify whether there had been full consultation with users of Yearsley Pool regarding

the timescales for closure for refurbishment and the Officer said that there had.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


                                    (i)         Note the updates to the scheme detailed in the report


(ii)               Agree the scheme slippage set out in the report and summarised in Annex 1


(iii)             Approve the revised capital programme as set out in Annex 1 of the report


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  In order to allow the effective monitoring of the Capital Programme.


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