Issue - meetings

PROW: Public Footpath Copmanthorpe No 2. Proposed closure of Copmanthorpe Level Crossing - update

Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 64)

64 PROW: Public Footpath Copmanthorpe No 2. Proposed closure of Copmanthorpe Level Crossing - update pdf icon PDF 279 KB

This report provides an update on the proposed closure of the level crossing at Copmanthorpe and diversion of Public Footpath, Copmanthorpe No 2 via Beckett’s Crossing, Copmanthorpe (Annex 1 Location Plan).


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                          i.        To delegate authority to the Director for Environment, Transport and Planning in consultation with the Executive Member for Transport, in accordance with paragraphs 15 or 16 of this report (as the case may be), to:

a) formulate and submit an objection to the TWA Order; or

b) formulate and submit a representation in support of the TWA Order; or

c) submit a representation that neither supports nor objects to the TWA Order i.e. effectively adopt a neutral position with no positive case in relation to the principle of the TWA Order.


Reason:     So that an outline decision can be made to Network Rail’s TWA Order application before the restrictions of the pre-election period come into effect, by giving specific delegation to an Officer to complete and submit the detail of the relevant submission on behalf of the Council, within the 6 week statutory consultation period, or to review that decision if circumstances change.




Officers introduced the report noting that Network Rail were continuing with their initial proposals for the closure of Copmanthorpe Level Crossing and a new step footbridge to replace it. This decision by Network Rail to proceed with a stepped bridge is been made despite concerns raised about the equality impacts of a stepped bridge and the decision taken previously by the Executive Member to reject an application submitted under s119A of the Highways Act 1980 - Rail Crossing Diversion Order as the proposed footbridge would not provide provisions to allow disabled pedestrians to use the crossing. The footbridge proposal being unlight and enclosed was also considered to be an unsafe crossing particularly at night.


The Executive Member noted that he felt that Network Rail were not meeting their duty to remove barriers to walking and cycling particularly for disabled users. He also noted that a new housing development nearby would likely increase the use of any crossing.



                          i.        To delegate authority to the Director for Environment, Transport and Planning in consultation with the Executive Member for Transport, in accordance with paragraphs 15 or 16 of this report (as the case may be), to:

a) formulate and submit an objection to the TWA Order; or

b) formulate and submit a representation in support of the TWA Order; or

c) submit a representation that neither supports nor objects to the TWA Order i.e. effectively adopt a neutral position with no positive case in relation to the principle of the TWA Order.


Reason:     So that an outline decision can be made to Network Rail’s TWA Order application before the restrictions of the pre-election period come into effect, by giving specific delegation to an Officer to complete and submit the detail of the relevant submission on behalf of the Council, within the 6 week statutory consultation period, or to review that decision if circumstances change.




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