Issue - meetings
Active Travel Programme – Hospital Fields Road Scheme
Meeting: 21/03/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 73)
73 Active Travel Programme – Hospital Fields Road Scheme PDF 395 KB
This report summarises the findings received in the public consultation period. An analysis of the public consultation has been undertaken and presents options for delivery of the scheme and requests a decision to confirm which proposal will be delivered.
Additional documents:
- Annex A - Design 1, item 73
PDF 869 KB
- Annex B - Design 2, item 73
PDF 946 KB
- Annex C - Design 3, item 73
PDF 882 KB
- Annex D - Design 4, item 73
PDF 869 KB
- Annex E - Questionnaire, item 73
- Annex F - Responses, item 73
PDF 461 KB
- Annex G - YCC Representation, item 73
- Annex H - YCT TAG Representation, item 73
PDF 432 KB
- Annex I - CLOS Assessment, item 73
- Annex J - EIA, item 73
PDF 606 KB View as HTML (73/11) 110 KB
- Annex K - Project Outline, item 73
PDF 263 KB View as HTML (73/12) 26 KB
i. Approved the advertisement of amendments to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to implement the parking restrictions required by all design options;
ii. Noted the Executive Members preference for scheme A;
iii. Officers were requested to expand the scope of the project to include the traffic signals, particularly for cyclists, at the junction of Hospital Fields Road and Fulford Road.
iv. Officers were asked to review how the cycle lane interfaces with the advance stop line especially for cyclists going straight on from Hospital Fields Road.
v. Development of the scheme to be brought back to a future decision session before progressing to a detailed design stage.
Reason: To respond to the comments made by the public to improve safety.
Officers introduced the report outlining the scheme, it was noted that Hospital Fields Road was part of the east west cycle link so was a strategic route for the city. The Executive Member was presented with three options for delivery and enquired about the proposals having segregation one way. Officers confirmed that
this due to the limited road space with industrial vehicles. The Executive Member enquired about the junction joining Fulford Road and altering the traffic signals and cycle lane interface to make it safer for cyclists going straight on. It was confirmed that the junction had not been within the scope of the scheme and therefore the Executive Member requested that these be reviewed by officers and that schemes be brought back to an Executive Member decision session.
i. Approved the advertisement of amendments to the
Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to implement the
parking restrictions required by all design options;
ii. Noted the Executive Members preference for
scheme A;
iii. Officers were requested to expand the scope of the project to include the traffic signals, particularly for cyclists, at the junction of Hospital Fields Road and Fulford Road.
iv. Officers were asked to review how the cycle lane
interfaces with the advance stop line especially for
cyclists going straight on from Hospital Fields Road.
v. Development of the scheme to be brought back to a
future decision session before progressing to a
detailed design stage.
Reason: To respond to the comments made by the public to
improve safety.