Issue - meetings

Capital Outturn Report

Meeting: 26/06/2007 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 18)

18 Capital Programme Outturn 2006/07 and Revisions to the 2007/08 Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 91 KB

This report provides the Executive with the final outturn position of the capital programme for 2006/07 reflecting the capital outturn reports taken to Executive Member and Advisory Panel (EMAP) meetings for each department and seeks approval of the statutory declaration on the funding of the 2006/07 capital programme to show how the Councils expenditure has been financed, along with any financial implications this may result in.  It also highlights significant achievements from the Council’s largest ever capital programme, informs the Executive of any under or overspends and seeks approval for any resulting changes to the programme, and informs them of any slippage and seeks approval for the associated funding to be slipped to or from the financial years to reflect this.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:(i) That the 2006/07 capital outturn position be noted and the requests for slippage to and from the 2007/08 capital programme be approved, with the addition that the carry forward for Neighbourhood Services be increased by £29,000;


(ii)               That the statutory declaration of the 2006/07 capital expenditure be approved, as required by the Local Government Act 2003 part 1.


REASON:(i) To allow the continued effective management of the capital programme in 2007/08 and beyond;


                                    (ii)            To fulfil its statutory function.


Members received a report which provided them with the final outturn position of the capital programme for 2006/07 reflecting the capital outturn reports taken to Executive Member and Advisory Panel (EMAP) meetings for each department and sought approval of the statutory declaration on the funding of the 2006/07 capital programme to show how the Council’s expenditure had been financed, along with any financial implications this may result in.  It also highlighted significant achievements from the Council’s largest ever capital programme, informed Members of any under or overspends and sought approval for any resulting changes to the programme, and informed them of any slippage and sought approval for the associated funding to be slipped to or from the financial years to reflect this.


It was reported that capital expenditure in 2006/07 totalled £48.5m. This represented the largest ever capital programme delivered by the City of York Council and was a £8.3m (20.6%) increase on the 2005/06 outturn.  Capital receipts raised during 2006/07 were also at a Council high of £31.5m, compared with £6.2m in 2005/06.


The options available to the Executive related to the approval of requests for slippage.


The Executive thanked officers for their contribution in making these major improvements to the lives of many York residents.


RESOLVED:(i) That the 2006/07 capital outturn position be noted and the requests for slippage to and from the 2007/08 capital programme be approved, with the addition that the carry forward for Neighbourhood Services be increased by £29,000;


(ii)               That the statutory declaration of the 2006/07 capital expenditure be approved, as required by the Local Government Act 2003 part 1.


REASON:(i) To allow the continued effective management of the capital programme in 2007/08 and beyond;


                                    (ii)            To fulfil its statutory function.


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