Issue - meetings
Permanent Traffic Regulation Order for One way traffic on Coppergate (with contraflow provision for cyclists)
Meeting: 13/12/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 46)
This report asks the Executive Member to approve the recommendation to make the temporary restrictions for one way traffic on Coppergate (with contraflow provision for cyclists) permanent.
Additional documents:
- Annex A - The York (Coppergate) (Local Bus Priority) (Amendment) (No 161) Order 2022., item 46
PDF 113 KB View as HTML (46/2) 15 KB
- Annex B - Letter sent to residents and businesses affected by the Order, item 46
PDF 329 KB View as HTML (46/3) 25 KB
- Annex C - Representations received during the statutory process, item 46
PDF 204 KB View as HTML (46/4) 31 KB
- Annex D - Equalities Impact Assessment, item 46
PDF 653 KB View as HTML (46/5) 114 KB
i. Approved the recommendation to make the temporary restrictions permanent.
Reason: To help reduce vehicle movements and minimise the
pedestrian and vehicle conflict in the street; and to improve levels of safety, whilst still allowing for two way cycle travel to continue.
Officers outlined the proposal to make the temporary traffic regulation order (TTRO) previously introduced in 2020 for Coppergate permanent. It was noted that four in five responses to the Council’s consultation had been in favour of a permanent order for Coppergate. The Executive Member welcomed the report and the responses to the advertisement, he agreed to make the temporary restrictions permanent and asked officers review the impact on York’s bus network due to displacement.
i. Approved the recommendation to make the temporary restrictions permanent.
Reason: To help reduce vehicle movements and minimise the
pedestrian and vehicle conflict in the street; and to improve levels of safety, whilst still allowing for two way cycle travel to continue.