Issue - meetings
TSAR Traffic Signal Refurbishment – Junction of Malton Road / New Lane
Meeting: 13/12/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 43)
43 TSAR Traffic Signal Refurbishment – Junction of Malton Road / New Lane PDF 380 KB
This report asks the Executive Member to approve progression of the scheme to detailed design and construction, based on one of the four scheme proposals described within this report. The scheme proposals are included at Annexes A to D of the report.
Additional documents:
- Annex A CYC_TST-YK2237-P-000 (P01) DESIGN PROPOSAL A, item 43
PDF 498 KB
- Annex B CYC_TST-YK2237-P-001 (P01) DESIGN PROPOSAL B, item 43
PDF 503 KB
- Annex C CYC_TST-YK2237-P-002 (P01) DESIGN PROPOSAL C, item 43
PDF 508 KB
- Annex D CYC_TST-YK2237-P-003 (P01) - DESIGN PROPOSAL D, item 43
PDF 511 KB
- Annex E - Consultation TSAR YK2237 Compiled Final, item 43
PDF 402 KB View as HTML (43/6) 76 KB
- Annex F TSAR Malton Road New Lane EIA Final, item 43
PDF 682 KB View as HTML (43/7) 104 KB
i. Approved progression of the scheme to detailed design and construction, based on Option C ‘Renewal of Traffic Signal Equipment with additional Toucan Crossing Introduction’.
Reason: In order to progress the design and construction of the TSAR scheme at Malton Road / New Lane.
Officers confirmed that the item had come forward due to the need to replace the life expired traffic signal equipment and outlined the options and cost of proposals to improve the junction. The Executive Member considered the options and agreed to support Option C which he noted had the support Ward Members. Option C would introduce an additional Toucan Crossing for pedestrians. The Executive Member recognised this option did not improve cycle provisions and noted that future work on New Lane could include improvements.
i. Approved progression of the scheme to detailed design and construction, based on Option C ‘Renewal of Traffic Signal Equipment with additional Toucan Crossing Introduction’.
Reason: In order to progress the design and construction of the TSAR scheme at Malton Road / New Lane.