Issue - meetings

Active Travel – Ostman Road People Street

Meeting: 15/11/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 37)

37 Active Travel – Ostman Road People Street pdf icon PDF 256 KB

3 preliminary designs that offer pedestrians and cyclists a more appealing, safer environment by which to access Carr Infants and Junior schools have been generated. A decision is required to take this scheme through to Detailed Design, while further funding support is being sought.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Approved Option 1 to note the outcome of the feasibility work for the ‘People Streets at Ostman Road’ scheme laid out in this report and decide to seek further funding before proceeding to implementation. Seek Active Travel grant funding support at the next round of bidding. Progress with detailed design work on ‘Design Option 1’ described in the attach Feasibility report, in advance of receiving additional funding.


Reason:     Progressing this scheme through detailed design will result in a ‘shelfready’ scheme that will be more likely to attract future funding, thereby increasing the chances of delivery on the ground.


Officers introduced the report which sort the Executive Members approval to undertake detailed design work. Completing the detailed design work would create a project ready for implantation, which it was noted should improve the schemes chance of securing Active Travel funding. The different options outlined in the report were discussed and the Executive Member noted his support for option 1. The Executive Member welcomed the consultation results, which showed a desire for those accessing the local school to move to walking or cycling if infrastructure made it more accessible. With the agreed option officers noted that parking restrictions which are outlined as being required, would follow a separate consultation process inline with policy on the implantation of parking restrictions.  




                      i.         Approved Option 1 to note the outcome of the feasibility work for the ‘People Streets at Ostman Road’ scheme laid out in this report and decide to seek further funding before proceeding to implementation. Seek Active Travel grant funding support at the next round of bidding. Progress with detailed design work on ‘Design Option 1’ described in the attach Feasibility report, in advance of receiving additional funding.


Reason:     Progressing this scheme through detailed design will result in a ‘shelfready’ scheme that will be more likely to attract future funding, thereby increasing the chances of delivery on the ground.


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