Issue - meetings

Acomb Front Street

Meeting: 21/04/2022 - Executive (Item 118)

118 Future of Acomb Front Street - Enhancing Economic Growth for Secondary Shopping Areas pdf icon PDF 971 KB

The Director of Prevention and Commissioning to present a report which summarises the outcomes of the project to implement short term improvements to Front Street, Acomb and identify longer term improvements that could be made to the area based on public and stakeholder engagement.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That the key findings from the community engagement, and the consultants’ ideas for potential physical improvements to the public realm to make long term impact in line with the study brief approved in 2018, be noted.


                   (ii)      That the improvements and events that have been funded through the Acomb Front Street project to date be noted.


Reason:     To conclude the project and confirm it has been delivered in line with the brief approved in 2018.


(iii)     That the immediate improvements proposed to Front Street from the remaining project budget and existing budgets be approved.


Reason:     To continue to support the economic growth and vibrancy of Acomb Front Street.


                   (iv)    That the proposed long term ideas that will be considered should future external regeneration funding bids be successful be noted, noting also that any long term idea(s) taken forward will be subject to further feasibility and engagement and require an Equalities Impact Assessment to be undertaken.


Reason:     To inform the scope of future funding bids.



The Director of Housing, Economy & Regeneration and the Regeneration Project Manager presented a report which summarised the outcomes of the project to implement short term improvements to Front Street, Acomb and identify longer term improvements that could be made to the area based on public and stakeholder engagement.


Consultants PWP Design Ltd. had been appointed to undertake a study and obtain the views of residents and the business community.  Their report of March 2021, attached as Annex B, took account of the results of the consultation included at Annex A and proposed 10 longer-term ideas to improve the area.  Details of short-term measures that had already been implemented were set out in paragraphs 42-47 of the cover report, and additional projects identified for immediate delivery with the remaining capital funding were detailed in paragraphs 48-52.


Officers advised that the reference in paragraph 36 to the Executive Member for Economy & Place be altered to ‘the Executive Leader, or by delegation to an appropriate Executive Member’, given that the Executive Member for Economy & Place had declared an interest in this item.


Having noted the comments made under Public Participation, it was


Resolved:  (i)      That the key findings from the community engagement, and the consultants’ ideas for potential physical improvements to the public realm to make long term impact in line with the study brief approved in 2018, be noted.


                   (ii)      That the improvements and events that have been funded through the Acomb Front Street project to date be noted.


Reason:     To conclude the project and confirm it has been delivered in line with the brief approved in 2018.


(iii)     That the immediate improvements proposed to Front Street from the remaining project budget and existing budgets be approved.


Reason:     To continue to support the economic growth and vibrancy of Acomb Front Street.


                   (iv)    That the proposed long term ideas that will be considered should future external regeneration funding bids be successful be noted, noting also that any long term idea(s) taken forward will be subject to further feasibility and engagement and require an Equalities Impact Assessment to be undertaken.


Reason:     To inform the scope of future funding bids.



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