Issue - meetings

Rufforth School safety zone

Meeting: 29/10/2007 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 52)

52 Rufforth School safety zone and associated speed management measures pdf icon PDF 92 KB

This report seeks approval to make permanent the two temporary chicanes on the B1224 Wetherby Road, to extend the existing 30mph speed limit on Wetherby Road, and to implement a number of other minor signing improvements in the vicinity of the School Safety Zone.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to :


a)                 Approve the revised proposals as shown in Annex F (in accordance with Option Two above) for implementation in the 2007/08 capital programme;


b)      Request that Officers report back to an Officer In Consultation (OIC) meeting to authorise the installation of a Vehicle Activated Sign at the north-western entry point to the village (on the Wetherby side), should the monitoring of traffic speeds determine this to be necessary, following the introduction of measures in accordance with Recommendation a) above.

c)      Request that Officers report back to an OIC meeting to authorise the installation of ‘five-bar’ gate arrangements at the two other entry points to the village (on the York and Askham Richard sides), should this be considered appropriate after assessing the success of this measure on the Wetherby Road approach.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


Resolved :      That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


Reasons :


(a)                           To retain a form of effective traffic calming outside the primary school in order to maintain low vehicle speeds, thereby creating a safer environment for school children and village residents.


(b)             To enable further steps to be taken to reduce traffic speeds on the approach to the village from the Wetherby direction, should the speed monitoring exercise indicate that average approach speeds are excessive.


(c)              To enable further steps to be taken to reduce traffic speeds on the approaches to the village from the York and Askham Richard directions, should Officers consider that the ‘five-bar’ gate arrangement has had a positive effect at the Wetherby approach to the village.


Members received a report which sought approval to make permanent the two temporary chicanes on the B1224 Wetherby Road, to extend the existing 30mph speed limit on Wetherby Road, and to implement a number of other minor signing improvements in the vicinity of the School Safety Zone.


The report presented the following options for consideration:

  • Option One - To implement the original proposals, as identified in the consultation leaflet (Annex C);
  • Option Two – To implement the revised proposals as shown on the drawing in Annex F, plus any other amendments that were considered necessary;
  • Option Three – Not to implement the proposals and remove the temporary chicanes, together with the associated signing and road markings.

Members noted that the opinion of residents was divided on this issue.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to :


a)                 Approve the revised proposals as shown in Annex F (in accordance with Option Two above) for implementation in the 2007/08 capital programme;


b)      Request that Officers report back to an Officer In Consultation (OIC) meeting to authorise the installation of a Vehicle Activated Sign at the north-western entry point to the village (on the Wetherby side), should the monitoring of traffic speeds determine this to be necessary, following the introduction of measures in accordance with Recommendation a) above.

c)      Request that Officers report back to an OIC meeting to authorise the installation of ‘five-bar’ gate arrangements at the two other entry points to the village (on the York and Askham Richard sides), should this be considered appropriate after assessing the success of this measure on the Wetherby Road approach.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


Resolved :      That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


Reasons :


(a)                           To retain a form of effective traffic calming outside the primary school in order to maintain low vehicle speeds, thereby creating a safer environment for school children and village residents.


(b)             To enable further steps to be taken to reduce traffic speeds on the approach to the village from the Wetherby direction, should the speed monitoring exercise indicate that average approach speeds are excessive.


(c)              To enable further steps to be taken to reduce traffic speeds on the approaches to the village from the York and Askham Richard directions, should Officers consider that the ‘five-bar’ gate arrangement has had a positive effect at the Wetherby approach to the village.


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