Issue - meetings

Coppergate Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Proposal

Meeting: 16/11/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 34)

34 Coppergate Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Proposal pdf icon PDF 430 KB

The Coppergate Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) restricting traffic to one-way only, with cycling contraflow, introduced as an Emergency Active Travel measure in June 2020 ends on 19 December 2021. A decision needs to be made on whether the temporary one-way restriction should continue (subject to approval by the Secretary of State) or the operation of the street should revert to the previous two-way arrangement.

A technical assessment of the impact of the closure has been made by Council Officers and consultation with local residents and businesses has been undertaken in October/November to ensure their views are considered prior to making a decision.

Additional documents:




                          i.        Instructed officers to submit a request to the Secretary of State for Transport to extend the current Coppergate TTRO for an initial 6 months and to submit a request for a further 6 month extension if needed to complete the bus routing study and any permanent TRO statutory processes and also to instruct officers to carry out the necessary legal procedures following approval of the extension(s) by the Secretary of State, including the advertising of the continuation direction.


Reason:     To enable the current restriction to remain in place pending a decision on the potential introduction of a permanent change to the TRO.


                        ii.        Instructed officers to undertake the necessary feasibility work to enable a decision to be taken on whether to progress a permanent change to the TRO through the statutory processes and to also consider the results form the consultation on these changes when considering the progression of the bus routing study.


Reason:     To enable progression of a bus routing study and

consideration of layout options prior to a decision on whether to progress the statutory process to introduce a permanent TRO change.


                       iii.        Instructed officers to make changes to the temporary layout to make more secure and widen to accommodate nonstandard cycles.


Reason:     To ensure the temporary arrangement is secure and provides more space for cycles.


Officers introduced the report and outlined the proposal for consideration on Coppergate maintaining the one way system. They noted that responses to a consultation had 49% of respondents in favour of the one way system. It was noted that the proposal was designed to address issues highlighted by a accident record from the last 10 years and to improve pedestrian and cycling on the road, it was noted that the one way system did effect bus travel times to the east of the city. The Executive Member noted the consultation results and the and thanked the Civic Trust Transport Advisory Group for working with the Council on the proposal and noted his support for feasibility work to take place.




                          i.        Instructed officers to submit a request to the Secretary of State for Transport to extend the current Coppergate TTRO for an initial 6 months and to submit a request for a further 6 month extension if needed to complete the bus routing study and any permanent TRO statutory processes and also to instruct officers to carry out the necessary legal procedures following approval of the extension(s) by the Secretary of State, including the advertising of the continuation direction.


Reason:     To enable the current restriction to remain in place pending a decision on the potential introduction of a permanent change to the TRO.


                        ii.        Instructed officers to undertake the necessary feasibility work to enable a decision to be taken on whether to progress a permanent change to the TRO through the statutory processes and to also consider the results form the consultation on these changes when considering the progression of the bus routing study.


Reason:     To enable progression of a bus routing study and

consideration of layout options prior to a decision on whether to progress the statutory process to introduce a permanent TRO change.


                       iii.        Instructed officers to make changes to the temporary layout to make more secure and widen to accommodate nonstandard cycles.


Reason:     To ensure the temporary arrangement is secure and provides more space for cycles.


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