Issue - meetings

Capital Programme - Monitor 3 2020/21

Meeting: 11/02/2021 - Executive (Item 99)

Capital Programme - Monitor 3 2020/21


Recommended:  That Council approve the adjustments detailed in the report and contained in Annex A, resulting in a decrease of £24.824m in the approved budget.


Reason:     To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.


[See also under Part A]


The Chief Finance Officerpresented a report which set out the projected out-turn position on the council’s capital programme for 2020/21, including any over or under-spends, along with requests to re-profile budgets to and from current and future years.


A decrease of £24.824m was reported on the approved capital budget, resulting in a revised programme of £119.859m.  Variances in each portfolio area were outlined in Table 1 at paragraph 7 of the report, and detailed in paragraphs 8-74.  The effect of the revisions was shown in Table 2, at paragraph 75.


Despite the disruption of capital investment during the pandemic, progress had been made in a number of areas including Shared Ownership homes, conversion of bus fleets, major expansion at Archbishop Holgate School, further rollout of ICT and completion of the Community Stadium.  Due to the impact of Covid-19, only a small number of schemes within the School Maintenance programme had been prioritised in the current year .  It was therefore proposed to re-profile a further £1.1m into 2021/22, as set out in paragraphs 14-15.


Recommended:  That Council approve the adjustments detailed in the report and contained in Annex A, resulting in a decrease of £24.824m in the approved budget.



Reason:     To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.


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