Issue - meetings

Race Meeting Review

Meeting: 27/03/2007 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 192)

192 Future York Race Meetings - Traffic Management Arrangements pdf icon PDF 77 KB

This report advises Members of the results of the traffic management arrangements adopted during the 2006 racing season and makes appropriate recommendations concerning future York race meetings.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: (i)         That Option B (narrowing at junction, chicanes and extensive signing) be adopted with regard to the measures to be used at the crossing of the Knavesmire cycle route and Knavesmire Road.


                        (ii)        That the traffic management arrangements described in Annex A to the report be endorsed as appropriate for the 2007 racing season.


REASON:      For the efficient and effective management of the highways of the City on race days, in accordance with the Council’s statutory duty under the Traffic Management Act 2004.


Members considered a report which presented the results of the traffic management arrangements adopted in York during the 2006 racing season and made recommendations regarding arrangements for future York race meetings.


The Plan used in 2006 had worked extremely well, with the notable exception of an accident which had occurred at the point where the cycle route crossed Knavesmire Road.  Planning for the 2007 race season needed to address this safety issue, as well as taking into account other lessons learned since hosting Royal Ascot, as set out in paragraph 18 of the report.  The available budget was also an issue.  A set of traffic management measures, designed to take into account the criteria outlined in paragraph 18 and to be affordable within the £30k funding available, made up the suggested Plan for 2007.  These measures were detailed in Annex A to the report.


Officers had considered the following options regarding the safety issue on Knavesmire Road:

Option A – close the cycle route and require all users to stay on the main roads.  Discounted, on safety grounds

Option B – reduce the width of the route at the point of connection with Knavesmire Road, introduce chicanes either side of the road and large signs advising cyclists to dismount.  This was the option chosen by Officers and included in costings.

Option C – permanently move the central island so as to allow its retention on the 4 days when the cycle crossing would be affected.  This would cost £12k, a spend that was not considered justified in the current budget circumstances but might be considered in due course.

Members were asked to endorse Officers’ decision in respect of Option c.


With regard to the traffic management arrangements for 2007, the following options were presented:

Option A – take no action.  Not recommended as it would leave the Council open to potential legal challenge in respect of its duties under the Traffic Management Act 2004.

Option B – adopt the traffic management plans as set out in Annex A to the report, or subject to any modifications Members might wish to make.  This was the recommended option.


With reference to recent press reports on this issue, it was emphasised that the proposals were the same as those operated last year, save for some reductions on those days where experience had shown that particular measures were not needed. 


RESOLVED: (i)         That Option B (narrowing at junction, chicanes and extensive signing) be adopted with regard to the measures to be used at the crossing of the Knavesmire cycle route and Knavesmire Road.


                        (ii)        That the traffic management arrangements described in Annex A to the report be endorsed as appropriate for the 2007 racing season.


REASON:      For the efficient and effective management of the highways of the City on race days, in accordance with the Council’s statutory duty under the Traffic Management Act 2004.


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