Issue - meetings

The Groves Area Experimental Traffic Regulation Order

Meeting: 22/06/2020 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 5)

5 The Groves Area Experimental Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 261 KB

This report provides an amended proposal to close the Groves residential area to through traffic following the decision of Executive Member for Transport on Oct 24th 2019 to approve this subject to detailed design and further consultation. A revised proposal taking account of that consultation is put forward for the Executive Member for Transport to consider progressing as an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order.

Additional documents:




i)             That the outcome of the consultation carried out in February 2020 and the proposed method for further consultation as the project was implemented be noted.


Reason: To comply with City of York Council public engagement expectations and to comply with the legal requirements of taking forward Traffic Regulation Orders.


ii)            That Option 3 be agreed – items a to m - the implementation of an 18 month Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (Exp. TRO).


Reason: Because an Exp. TRO provides the greatest flexibility in cases where it was anticipated there may need to be adjustments made at short notice and in a timely fashion to improve the scheme.


iii)          That the start date be within the next few weeks, taking account of practical arrangements such as ordering signs and notifying residents and businesses of the start date.


Reason: In order to secure funding through the Emergency Active Travel Fund that required expenditure within 8 weeks to facilitate reallocation of road space to walking and cycling and facilitates social distancing.


The Executive Member considered a report that provided an amended proposal to close the Groves residential area to through traffic following the decision of the Executive Member for Transport on 24 October 2019, to approve this subject to detailed design and further consultation. The report highlighted a revised proposal, taking account of that consultation, and requested the agreement of the Executive Member to implement an 18 month Experimental Traffic Regulation Order.


The Assistant Director of Transport, Highways and Environment provided an update where it was noted that no property within the Groves would have vehicle access removed.


The Executive Member considered the options within the report and noted the alterations made to the original proposal, as highlighted by the Principal Traffic Projects Officer and at paragraph 23 of the report. It was noted that these changes would be reviewed and could be rapidly adapted during the experiment.


The Experimental Traffic Regulation Order process was discussed and it was noted that it followed a strict national legal process that must be followed for the experiment to be conducted correctly.


The public consultation process and responses were noted and in response to questions from the Executive Member, the Transport Projects & Delivery Manager confirmed that:


·        Residents would be consulted during the trial and would be able to offer their views on the measures.

·        Discussions with emergency services had taken place and options were being reviewed as part of any permanent works to ensure access for emergency vehicles was maintained.


The Executive Member considered the recommendations within the report and officers confirmed that the work would commence following contracted highway works on Haxby Road.


The Executive Member stated that this approach was taking place across the whole country and he agreed it was important that officers continued to work with the local community, local residents, emergency services and all road users to understand any impacts.




i)           That the outcome of the consultation carried out in February 2020 and the proposed method for further consultation as the project was implemented be noted.


Reason: To comply with City of York Council public engagement expectations and to comply with the legal requirements of taking forward Traffic Regulation Orders.


ii)          That Option 3 be agreed – items a to m - the implementation of an 18 month Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (Exp. TRO).


Reason: Because an Exp. TRO provides the greatest flexibility in cases where it was anticipated there may need to be adjustments made at short notice and in a timely fashion to improve the scheme.


iii)          That the start date be within the next few weeks, taking account of practical arrangements such as ordering signs and notifying residents and businesses of the start date.


Reason: In order to secure funding through the Emergency Active Travel Fund that required expenditure within 8 weeks to facilitate reallocation of road space to walking and cycling and facilitates social distancing.


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