Issue - meetings

TSAR Junction Alterations – Osbaldwick Link Road/Hull Road

Meeting: 22/06/2020 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 4)

4 TSAR Traffic Signal Refurbishment - Hull Road/Osbaldwick Link Road pdf icon PDF 227 KB

The Executive Member will consider a report outlining proposed alterations to the life expired traffic signalling equipment at this site.



Additional documents:


Resolved: That Option 1, the proposed crossing refurbishment as shown in the drawing at Annex B of the report, be approved.


Reason:    This option achieves the core aim of replacing the life-expired traffic signal asset such that it can continue to be operated and repaired economically. 



The Executive Member considered a report that outlined the proposed alterations to the life expired traffic signalling equipment at Hull Road/Osbaldwick Link Road.


The Executive Member acknowledged the written representations he had received and he confirmed that the site was located in the Hull Road Ward and those Ward Councillors had been consulted.


The Transport Systems Project Manager and the Smart Transport Programme Manager presented the report explaining that the TSAR (Traffic Signal Asset Renewal) programme was the means by which life expired traffic signal assets across the city were refurbished.


The suggested changes and consultation process, highlighted within the report and in Annex A and B, were discussed and it was noted that based on consultation feedback amendments had been made.


The Executive Member considered the options put forward in the report and he thanked officers for their update.


Resolved: That Option 1, the proposed crossing refurbishment as shown in the drawing at Annex B of the report, be approved.


Reason:    This option achieves the core aim of replacing the life-expired traffic signal asset such that it can continue to be operated and repaired economically. 


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