Issue - meetings
Approval of ICT procurements with a whole life contract value of over £250k
Meeting: 18/11/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects (Item 22)
22 Approval of ICT procurements with a whole life contract value of over £250k PDF 315 KB
The report will present the proposals to renew or replace any core ICT systems in the council with a whole life contract value of over £250k. These have been defined as non-key routine procurements as per the council’s contract procedure rules and expenditure will fall within existing capital and revenue budget provisions.
Additional documents:
Resolved: That;
i. Approval be given to the extension to the payments system contract in order to secure capital savings and avoid increases in revenue costs for the next 5 years (as set out in Annex A of the report).
ii. Agreement be given to the replacement document management system as recommended with a new procurement rather than an upgrade to the existing system (as set out in Annex B of the report).
Reason: To ensure the that councillors consider routine procurement decisions over £250k in value in line with procurement regulations and the public have the opportunity to see transparent decision-making in operation relating to major procurements.
The Executive Member considered a report that presented proposals to renew or replace any core ICT systems in the council with a whole life contract value of over £250k. These had been defined as non-key routine procurements as per the council’s contract procedure rules and the expenditure fell within existing capital and revenue budget provisions.
The Assistant Director for Customer and Digital Services was in attendance to present the proposals. She noted the contract procedure rules and outlined the capital savings that would be made through the extension to the payments system, as detailed in Annex A of the report. She then explained the procurement of a new replacement document management rather than an upgrade to the existing system as detailed in Annex B of the report. In response to a question from the Executive Member she confirmed that Leeds City Council was the neighbouring council that had used their own DMS platform to enable sharing of information across health services.
The Executive Member then:
Resolved: That;
i. Approval be given to the extension to the payments system contract in order to secure capital savings and avoid increases in revenue costs for the next 5 years (as set out in Annex A of the report).
ii. Agreement be given to the replacement document management system as recommended with a new procurement rather than an upgrade to the existing system (as set out in Annex B of the report).
Reason: To ensure the that councillors consider routine procurement decisions over £250k in value in line with procurement regulations and the public have the opportunity to see transparent decision-making in operation relating to major procurements.