Issue - meetings
Inclusive Growth Fund - update
Meeting: 15/01/2020 - Decision Session - Executive Leader (incorporating Policy, Strategy and Partnerships) (Item 12)
12 Inclusive Growth Fund - update PDF 205 KB
This report outlines further background on the inclusive growth challenges that York faces, the approach that will be taken to address these through a new Economic Strategy, and the progress that has been made in establishing the projects outlined at the 18 September Decision Session.
Additional documents:
i. That the progress that has been made on developing the agreed projects be noted and agreed that a future report would be brought back to the Executive Leader to ensure that outcomes were delivered;
ii. That approval was given to the commissioning of those projects as set out in paragraphs 11 to 28 of the report;
iii. That the Executive Leader delegated the funding decision for 14+ vocational training and work projects (paragraphs 21 and 22 of the report) to the Corporate Director of Children, Education and Communities in consultation with the Executive Leader.
Reason: So that the Council develops a pipeline of projects that positively address inclusive growth in the City of York.
The Executive Members considered a report which provided further background on the inclusive growth challenges that York faces, the approach that would be taken to address these through a new Economic Strategy, and the progress that had been made in establishing the projects outlined at the 18 September Executive Leader’s Decision Session.
Extensive discussion took place around each of the eight projects included in the report. Officers confirmed that they would circulate to the Executive Members after the meeting clarity on if the Community Job Fairs project included the City Centre job fairs or if it is those outside the city centre only. The Executive Members enquired as to how each of the projects would be monitored, it was confirmed that, each project would need to be monitored differently and that further ways of monitoring would need to be developed for different projects.
i. That the progress that has been made on developing the agreed projects be noted and agreed that a future report would be brought back to the Executive Leader to ensure that outcomes were delivered;
ii. That approval was given to the commissioning of those projects as set out in paragraphs 11 to 28 of the report;
iii. That the Executive Leader delegated the funding decision for 14+ vocational training and work projects (paragraphs 21 and 22 of the report) to the Corporate Director of Children, Education and Communities in consultation with the Executive Leader.
Reason: So that the Council develops a pipeline of projects that positively address inclusive growth in the City of York.