Issue - meetings
Update on preparations for EU Exit
Meeting: 26/09/2019 - Executive (Item 41)
41 Update on City of York Council preparations for Brexit PDF 192 KB
The Deputy Chief Executive to present a report that provides an update on the Council’s preparations for the UK’s exit from the European Union.
Resolved: That the contents of the report, and the council’s preparations for the UK’s exit from the European Union, be noted.
Reason: To confirm that the Executive is sighted on the preparations that have taken place in advance of Brexit.
The Head of Corporate Policy & City Partnerships presented a report which provided an update on the City of York Council’s preparations for the UK’s exit from the European Union (‘Brexit’), following the extension of the exit deadline to 31 October.
The report examined the planning that had taken place before the original 29 March deadline, and whether there were any areas for improvement to ensure that the council and the city were best prepared for either a transitionary exit or a ‘no deal’ scenario. Since announcement of the delay, work had continued to ensure that services were available for those requiring support, in particular with regard to the EU settlement scheme. Meetings with city partners and liaison with community groups had also continued, and the Head of Corporate Policy & City Partnerships had been appointed as the designated lead on no-deal planning. Members were invited to note the preparations and / or make suggestions for alternative or additional activities.
Members expressed their concerns about the current uncertainty of the Brexit situation and the lack of information from national government. In these circumstances it was important for the council to do all it could to protect and support local jobs, businesses and communities.
Resolved: That the contents of the report, and the council’s preparations for the UK’s exit from the European Union, be noted.
Reason: To confirm that the Executive is sighted on the preparations that have taken place in advance of Brexit.