Issue - meetings

Hempland Avenue Speed Management Scheme – Update

Meeting: 19/09/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 22)

22 Hempland Avenue Speed Management Scheme - Update pdf icon PDF 164 KB

This report summarises the results of consultation with regard the speed management scheme at the junction of Hempland Avenue and Hempland Lane and asks the Executive Member to decide how to proceed with the scheme.

Additional documents:




(i)           That Option 1: to implement the scheme as shown in Annex C, be approved.


Reason: To help reduce vehicle speeds in an existing 20mph speed

limit on Hempland Avenue.


Ben Potter, Engineer Transport Projects, introduced the above report which summarised the results of consultation with regard the speed management scheme at the junction of Hempland Avenue and Hempland Lane. 


Concerns regarding the 30mph speed limit in Hempland Lane had been raised by residents and new ward councillors.  The Executive Member expressed his support of a 20mph speed restriction at the turning off point at Hempland Lane.




(i)           That Option 1: to implement the scheme as shown in Annex C, be approved.


Reason: To help reduce vehicle speeds in an existing 20mph speed

limit on Hempland Avenue.


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