Issue - meetings
Proposal to mutually terminate the lease for Askham Bar nursery
Meeting: 24/07/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects (Item 9)
9 Proposal to mutually terminate the lease for Askham Bar nursery PDF 233 KB
This report sets out a proposal to terminate the lease between the Council and the tenant of Askham Bar Nursery by mutual agreement.
Additional documents:
Resolved: That agreement be given to end the lease at Askham Bar Nursery by way of a lease surrender with a compensation payment of £35,000 being paid to the tenant.
Reason: This will enable the wider redevelopment of the former park and ride site which is allocated for housing allocation in the Draft Local Plan.
The Executive Member considered a report that set out a proposal to terminate the lease between the Council and the tenant of Askham Bar Nursery by mutual agreement. The proposed future early termination of the lease (by signing a deed of surrender) has provisionally been agreed between the Council and its tenant. The Head of Commercial and Operational Asset Management outlined the report.
Resolved: That agreement be given to end the lease at Askham Bar Nursery by way of a lease surrender with a compensation payment of £35,000 being paid to the tenant.
Reason: This will enable the wider redevelopment of the former park and ride site which is allocated for housing allocation in the Draft Local Plan.