Issue - meetings

Economy & Place Capital Programme – 2019/20 Consolidated Report

Meeting: 25/07/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 10)

10 Directorate of Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme - 2019/20 Consolidated Report pdf icon PDF 202 KB

This report identifies the proposed changes to the 2019/20 Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme to take account of carryover funding and schemes from 2018/19, and new funding available for transport schemes. The report also provides details of the 2018/19 Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme outturn.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That the carryover schemes and adjustments set

                             out in the report and annexes be approved.


(i)           That the increase to the 2019/20 Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme, which is subject to approval by the Executive, be noted.


Reason:     To implement the council’s transport strategy, as identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme.


The Executive Member considered a report which provided details of the 2018/19 Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme out-turn and proposed changes to the 2019/20 programme to take account of carry-overs from 2018/19.


Schemes progressed in 2018/19, comprising a total spend of £13,057k on the £19,364k budget, were set out in paragraph 7 of the report and in Annex 3.  Major schemes to be carried forward into 2019/20 were detailed in paragraphs 10-14; these included the grant-funded scheme for new electric Park & Ride buses, completion of the Scarborough Bridge footbridge scheme, work funded by the Smarter Travel Evolution Programme (STEP) and continuing work on the Station Frontage scheme.  Transport schemes to be carried forward were set out in paragraphs 15-28.  Funding details and a list of all schemes in the 2019/20 programme were provided in Annexes 1 and 2.


In response to questions from the Executive Member and matters raised under Public Participation, it was confirmed that:

·        work on developing the Holtby danger reduction scheme was ongoing and officers would be engaging with ward members and other stakeholders on this;

·        officers would inform the Executive Member when the last City Sightseeing bus was to be converted to electric drive;

·        issues relating to the maintenance of private streets (paragraph 28) would be discussed with the Executive Member, with a view to bringing forward a report if required.




(i)           That the carryover schemes and adjustments set out in the report and annexes be approved.


(ii)          That the increase to the 2019/20 Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme, which is subject to approval by the Executive, be noted.


Reason:     To implement the council’s transport strategy, as identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme.


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