Issue - meetings

Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Plan Area and Forum

Meeting: 14/03/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 81)

81 Proposed Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Plan Area and Forum pdf icon PDF 139 KB

This report relates to the applications submitted by the proposed Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum for designation of a Neighbourhood Plan Area and Forum. The report recommends that City of York Council approve both applications and designate the Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum and Plan Area as per the applications received.


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Resolved:  That the Neighbourhood Forum application and Neighbourhood Plan Area application be approved as per Option 1 in the report.

Reason:     To allow the Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum to progress a Neighbourhood Plan for the Minster Precinct area.



The Executive Member considered a report which presented the applications submitted by the proposed Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum for designation of a Neighbourhood Plan Area and Forum with a recommendation that the Executive Member approves both applications and designates the Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum and Plan Area as per the applications received.

Officers explained that the proposed Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum had submitted the Neighbourhood Plan Area Application and the Neighbourhood Forum Application simultaneously to allow people who lived, worked and undertook business in the Minster area to see the proposals in context and that it also removed the need to consult twice.

Officers were satisfied that both the application for the Neighbourhood Plan Area and the Neighbourhood Forum Application met the statutory requirements and that the council had published the applications in line with regulations. They advised that St Michael le Belfrey had responded positively to the consultation and had expressed support for the plan.

Officers recommended that the Executive Member approve both applications and designate the Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Plan Area in line with the applications received. If approved, they advised they would publicise designation of the neighbourhood area and neighbourhood forum and then the Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum could start to prepare the neighbourhood plan, with which they would be given appropriate advice and assistance from officers. Once the draft plan had been produced, the Neighbourhood Forum could undertake a pre-submission consultation which was a minimum of 6 weeks.

The Executive Member considered the following four options set out at paragraph 18 of the report and took into account the comments made under public participation by the Chair of the Neighbourhood Forum and Director of Works and Precinct and approved both applications as recommended.


Resolved:  That the Neighbourhood Forum application and Neighbourhood Plan Area application be approved as per Option 1 in the report.

Reason:     To allow the Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Forum to progress a Neighbourhood Plan for the Minster Precinct area.


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