Issue - meetings
Digital City Programme update and expanding access to York’s WiFi connectivity platform.
Meeting: 14/01/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects (Item 22)
22 Digital City Programme update and expanding access to York’s WiFi connectivity platform PDF 170 KB
This report provides an update on some of the progress made within City of York Council’s Digital City Programme with a focus on the city’s free Wi-Fi and an expansion proposal including Clifford’s Tower, Coppergate and the new Community Stadium complex as part of future proofing the stadiums digital connectivity links as we have done with many buildings and areas of the city.
Resolved: That;
1) The progress being made within the Digital City Programme be noted.
Reason: To provide an update on the key and enabling Digital City Programme with an emphasis on the cities digital connectivity landscape.
2) The proposal to extend access to the cities free Wi-Fi into Clifford’s Tower & Coppergate be approved.
Reason: To be a part of the evolving Digital City Programme.
3) Digital connectivity links into the new Community Stadium complex and expand its Wi-Fi coverage be provided.
Reason: To be a part of the evolving Digital City Programme and future proof the Stadiums complex digital links.
4) Total funding of £308,000 from the existing ICT Capital budget be approved.
Reason: To fund the recommendations contained within this report.
5) The current mixed position with schools be noted, that further discussions with schools regarding Wi-Fi provision be endorsed and that a further report on these, including funding options be received in coming months.
Reason: To approve the work to explore and undertake further discussions that are required to take this recommendation forwards.
The Executive Leader considered a report which provided an update on some of the progress made within City of York Council’s Digital City Programme. This included a focus on the city’s free Wi-Fi and an expansion proposal including Clifford’s Tower, Coppergate and the new Community Stadium complex, as part of future proofing the stadiums digital connectivity links as the Council had have done with many buildings and areas of the city. It was noted that the work was a part of the wider and continual evolving Digital City Programme, there will be potential other future requirements, and these will need to be considered as part of the capital programme. The Shared Head of ICT Services for York and Harrogate was in attendance to present the report. In response to a question from the Executive Leader he confirmed that the costs around the new Community Stadium complex included preparation work on connectivity to the stadium.
Resolved: That;
1) The progress being made within the Digital City Programme be noted.
Reason: To provide an update on the key and enabling Digital City Programme with an emphasis on the cities digital connectivity landscape.
2) The proposal to extend access to the cities free Wi-Fi into Clifford’s Tower & Coppergate be approved.
Reason: To be a part of the evolving Digital City Programme.
3) Digital connectivity links into the new Community Stadium complex and expand its Wi-Fi coverage be provided.
Reason: To be a part of the evolving Digital City Programme and future proof the Stadiums complex digital links.
4) Total funding of £308,000 from the existing ICT Capital budget be approved.
Reason: To fund the recommendations contained within this report.
5) The current mixed position with schools be noted, that further discussions with schools regarding Wi-Fi provision be endorsed and that a further report on these, including funding options be received in coming months.
Reason: To approve the work to explore and undertake further discussions that are required to take this recommendation forwards.