Issue - meetings

Economy & Place Capital Programme – 2018/19 Budget Report

Meeting: 14/03/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 79)

79 Directorate of Economy & Place 2019/20 Transport Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 137 KB

This report sets out the Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme as agreed by Council on 28 February 2019. It provides further detail on the split of funding for the Local Transport Plan.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the proposed Economy and Place Transport Capital Programme for 2019-20 be approved.


Reason:     To  implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme.



The Executive Member considered a report which set out the Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme as agreed by Council on 28 February 2019 and provided further detail on the split of funding for the Local Transport Plan. It included the proposed programme of which had been developed to implement the priorities of the Local Transport Plan (LTP3) and the Council Plan.


Officers advised that further reports with more detail would be brought to the Executive Member  through the year and would take account of any carry over items that come from changes at the end of the current financial year.


In response to Cllr Waller’s question on the resurfacing of streets and when the programme of works would be published, officers advised that surveying of streets had been taking place, the data from that was currently being matched against the increased budget which had been approved that year and the list should be published before the end of the month.


Resolved:  That the proposed Economy and Place Transport Capital Programme for 2019-20 be approved.


Reason:     To  implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme.



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