Issue - meetings

Fulford School Access

Meeting: 20/12/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 55)

55 Fulford School Access pdf icon PDF 314 KB

This report requests authority to undertake a review of the access arrangements for school transport vehicles into Fulford School to take advantage of the opportunity presented by the Germany Beck development and positive initial discussions with key stakeholders (School, Parish Council, Developer).


Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That option 2 be approved and that an allocation of funding provided from existing developer contributions/s106 funds be used to undertake a feasibility study on potential access options to the school.


(ii)      That a report on options be considered by the Executive Member at a future meeting.


Reason:     To understand more fully the options for the delivery of a potential new access route to the school from the south to reduce congestion and improve road safety in the area.



The Executive Member considered a report that requested authority to undertake a review of the access arrangements for school transport vehicles into Fulford School to take advantage of the opportunity presented by the Germany Beck development and positive initial discussions with key stakeholders including the school, parish council and developer)

The Executive Member acknowledged that something needed to be done to address access arrangements into the school and noted that the proposal was for the feasibility study to include the existing arrangement and two main potential options as follows:

1.   Retain the existing access but provide improved pick/up and drop off capacity and review mitigation measures to reduce the impact of school traffic on the adjacent highway network.

2.   One way bus transport access using a new route from the south and the existing highway network to the north with a new drop off/pick up facility. The one way could operate in one direction for ingress and exit or operate in a tidal manner.

3.   All bus transport to access and exit the school from the south with a turn around and pick up facility provided. 


He acknowledged the two written representations received from Mr Gamston on behalf of Fulfordgate residents who welcomed the recommendation to undertake a feasibility study and from Ward Councillor Aspden who welcomed the recommendation and stressed the importance of all the partners working together towards a resolution.




(i)      That an allocation of funding provided from existing developer contributions/s106 funds be used to undertake a feasibility study on potential access options to the school.


(ii)      That a report on options be considered by the Executive Member at a future meeting.


Reason: To understand more fully the options for the delivery of a potential new access route to the school from the south to reduce congestion and improve road safety in the area.


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