Issue - meetings

Consideration of objections and comments received to an advertised proposal to extend the R20 Residents’ Priority Parking Zone to include Rosedale Street and Grange Garth

Meeting: 20/12/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 58)

58 Consideration of objections received to the introduction of Residents' Priority Parking on Rosedale Street and Grange Garth (Fishergate Ward) pdf icon PDF 342 KB

This report asks the Executive Member to consider the objections received within the legal consultation period and to request a decision from options given in this report.


Additional documents:




(i)      That approval be given to implement the advertised proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a Residents’ Priority Parking Area for Rosedale Street as outlined in Option One (Annex A & Annex B to the report), to operate as a full time scheme.


(ii)      That approval be given to implement the advertised proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduce Residents’ Priority Parking Area for Grange Garth as outlined in Option One (Annex A & Annex B to the report) ,to operate as a part time scheme from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday only.


Reason: To progress the majority views of the residents of Grange Garth and Rosedale Street.



The Executive Member considered a report that highlighted the objections received within the legal consultation period to the introduction of Residents' Priority Parking on Rosedale Street and Grange Garth.


He acknowledged the comments made by two local residents in opposition to the proposals and two detailed written submissions from local residents, one in opposition to the scheme and the other raising particular requests with regard to operation times and discounts for low emission vehicles.


The Executive Member considered three options: to overrule the objections and implement as advertised; to undertake an additional consultation about the times of operation of the scheme with the residents of Grange Garth and Rosedale Street with authority to implement a scheme with the times of operation to reflect the results of the consultation; or to uphold the objections and take no further action. He noted that there were several people in support and several people in objection to residents parking


In response to concerns raised by a speaker with regard to the figures used in the report, officers confirmed that all the figures were correct and clarified that, for a scheme to be taken forward, there was a requirement for a 50% return of questionnaire sheets and that the majority of those returned were in support, and confirmed these figures had been achieved for both Rosedale Ave and Grange Garth.


Officers also explained that, even though petition had been submitted by Rosedale Street residents, the decision had been taken to extend the consultation to include neighbouring streets due to past concerns about migration of parking into adjoining streets, but that any decision to introduce residents parking would be considered on a street by street basis. 


The Executive Member  noted that, while Rosedale Street residents had expressed a preference for a full time scheme, views of residents of Grange Garth had been mixed with half preferring a full time scheme and the other half favouring a scheme which would operate Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. In view of this, he agreed that the Rosedale Street scheme should be full time but that the Grange Garth Scheme should operate Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and if residents then experienced problems on a weekend, it could be expanded.




(i)      That approval be given to implement the advertised proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a Residents’ Priority Parking Area for Rosedale Street as outlined in Option One (Annex A & Annex B to the report), to operate as a full time scheme.


(ii)      That approval be given to implement the advertised proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduce Residents’ Priority Parking Area for Grange Garth as outlined in Option One (Annex A & Annex B to the report) ,to operate as a part time scheme from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday only.


 (iii)    That officers be authorised to re-consult in the adjacent areas of Farndale Street, Levisham Street, Hartoft Street  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58


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