Issue - meetings

Walmgate Bar Traffic Signal Refurbishment

Meeting: 15/11/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 50)

50 Walmgate Bar Traffic Signal Refurbishment pdf icon PDF 159 KB

This report informs the Executive Member of the options available to improve the traffic signalling equipment at Walmgate Bar.

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Resolved: That Option 1 be agreed – to approve the proposed preliminary junction layout shown in Annex B to the report.


Reason:     To mitigate the risk of failure of the junctions signal equipment.


The Executive Member considered a report that informed him of the options available to improve the traffic signalling equipment at Walmgate Bar and asked him to approve the preliminary junction layout shown in annex B to the report.


Officers acknowledged the comments of York Cycle Campaign (YCC) expressed during the public participation item and in the written representation and advised that the proposals went further than necessary in terms of cycle provision. He noted YCCs desire to improve safety for cyclists by removing a lane to allow for a wider cycle lane but advised that this was not practical as it would have a significant impact on congestion. They confirmed that the proposals did not put the council at risk of breaching equalities legislation and guidance as stated in YCCs written submission.


They advised that the driver behind the scheme was to replace broken assets and that the possibility of widening cycle lanes could be explored separately. He confirmed that YCC would have the opportunity to have an input into the detailed design stage of the scheme.


The Executive Member acknowledged the need to replace the traffic signals and the proposals to bring the junction up to current standards in terms of safety and junction geometry including the proposed measures to improve safety for both pedestrians and cyclists.


Resolved: That Option 1 be agreed – to approve the proposed preliminary junction layout shown in Annex B to the report.


Reason:     To mitigate the risk of failure of the junctions signal equipment.



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