Issue - meetings
Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme
Meeting: 29/11/2018 - Executive (Item 69)
69 Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme - A Further Phase PDF 479 KB
The Corporate Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care to present a report which gives an update on the provision of older persons’ accommodation across the city and asks Executive to agree the direction of the next phase of the Programme.
Additional documents:
Resolved: (i) That the information in the report, and the challenges and direction for the future of the programme, be noted.
(ii) That the need to engage with residents and stakeholders to shape the future direction for Older Persons’ Accommodation in the city be agreed.
(iii) That the next phase of the work programme, from December 18 onwards, be agreed and that further reports be brought to Executive from February 2019 as the programme develops.
Reason: To ensure that the provision of Older Persons’ Accommodation in the city meets the needs and expectations of residents, and to inform future council investment in this accommodation.
The Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme Manager presented a report which gave an update on the provision of Older Persons’ Accommodation across the city and asked Executive to agree the direction of the next phase of the programme. An error in the second line of paragraph 5 of the report was corrected; the reference to ’18 beds’ per 100 residents should read ‘7 beds’.
Work on the programme to date had focused on nursing, residential and extra care accommodation. The next phase would review the council’s independent living stock, ensuring it was fit for purpose and seeking opportunities to increase provision and enable facilities to serve the surrounding communities.
It was proposed that this phase include engagement with advocacy groups, residents, housing providers and estate agents to establish how people in York wished to live in their later years and the type of accommodation that would best support this. A timetable for these activities was included in the work plan attached as Annex 1 to the report.
Resolved: (i) That the information in the report, and the challenges and direction for the future of the programme, be noted.
(ii) That the need to engage with residents and stakeholders to shape the future direction for Older Persons’ Accommodation in the city be agreed.
(iii) That the next phase of the work programme, from December 18 onwards, be agreed and that further reports be brought to Executive from February 2019 as the programme develops.
Reason: To ensure that the provision of Older Persons’ Accommodation in the city meets the needs and expectations of residents, and to inform future council investment in this accommodation.