Issue - meetings

Planning for the possibility of a “No-deal” Brexit

Meeting: 18/10/2018 - Executive (Item 57)

57 Planning for the Possibility of a “No-deal” Brexit pdf icon PDF 242 KB

The Chief Executive to present a report which outlines the discussions and activities underway in York in relation to planning for the possibility that the UK may exit the European Union without an agreement in place.


Resolved:  (i)      That the discussions and activities under way be noted.


(ii)      That  a further update be brought to the Executive meeting in December.


Reason:     To ensure that York is as prepared as possible in the event of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit.


The Chief Executiveand the Head of Corporate Policy & City Partnerships presented a report which outlined the discussions and activities under way in York to plan for the possibility that the UK might exit the European Union (EU) without an agreement in place.


In the event of such a ‘no-deal Brexit’, EU law, regulations and trade agreements would cease to apply to the UK immediately upon exit.  The report examined the potential effects in York of this particular scenario that would require a response in the short term.  It noted that the council was also working alongside regional partners to consider the wider impacts of Brexit.


Data from the 2011 census indicated that York had a relatively low proportion of EU migrants living in the city, so may be less affected than some other places by a reduction in EU workers.  York’s buoyant economy also meant it was better placed than many other cities to weather any negative effects.  However, a No-deal Brexit could still have a significant financial impact on the council.


The Leader, Deputy Leader and Opposition Group Leaders expressed their own views on the issues but were agreed on the need to prepare and be kept informed.  Having noted the comments made under Public Participation, it was


Resolved:  (i)      That the discussions and activities under way be noted.


(ii)      That  a further update be brought to the Executive meeting in December.


Reason:     To ensure that York is as prepared as possible in the event of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit.


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