Issue - meetings

Thoresby Rd – Speed Management Scheme

Meeting: 13/09/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 27)

27 Thoresby Road – Speed Management Scheme pdf icon PDF 236 KB

This report presents options to address concerns about the speed of vehicles on Thoresby Road.

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Resolved:  That option 3 be approved and the decision be deferred pending the implementation of the parking scheme and the site be referred back to the Speed Management Partnership for consideration. 


Reason:     The parking scheme could have a direct impact on vehicle speeds along Thoresby Road, potentially leading to increased abuse of the limit and so should be concluded before the site is reviewed again to ensure any scheme to address the issue is warranted and can have the desired effect.


The Executive Member considered a report which presented options to address concerns about the speed of vehicles on Thoresby Road.


Officers  advised the Executive Member that the ward committee scheme mentioned in the report was looking likely to go ahead dependent on the statutory utilities search which was currently underway and that that they hoped to get the parking scheme implemented by the end of the financial year.


The Executive Member agreed to defer the decision until the parking scheme had been implemented.


Resolved:  That option 3 be approved and the decision be deferred pending the implementation of the parking scheme and the site be referred back to the Speed Management Partnership for consideration. 


Reason:     The parking scheme could have a direct impact on vehicle speeds along Thoresby Road, potentially leading to increased abuse of the limit and so should be concluded before the site is reviewed again to ensure any scheme to address the issue is warranted and can have the desired effect.


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