Issue - meetings

Appropriation of Land on Bootham Stray for Highway Purposes

Meeting: 27/09/2018 - Executive (Item 49)

49 Appropriation of Land on Bootham Stray for Highway Purposes pdf icon PDF 190 KB

The Corporate Director of Economy & Place to present a report which will seek consent to appropriate land on the small part of Bootham Stray for highway purposes to expand the current access to land at Cocoa West development site and therefore to facilitate the proposed residential development.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That the appropriation for highway purposes of land on those parts of Bootham Stray coloured red and stippled blue on the plan at Annex 1 to the report (‘the Access Land’) be approved.


                   (ii)      That approval be given to grant a short term licence to Newby Developments to carry out works to the Access Land.


Reason:     To allow access to the adjacent Nestle development site, to facilitate the proposed residential development and ensure a safe and sustainable road layout to enable the timely development of new housing.


The Assistant Director of Regeneration & Asset Managementpresented a report which sought consent to appropriate land on a small part of Bootham Stray for highway purposes, in order to expand the current access to land at the Cocoa West development site and so facilitate the proposed residential development there.


The development of the site required an expanded access point onto Wigginton Road to create a safe junction, which would go over land forming part of Bootham Stray.  The land to be appropriated measured 379 square metres in total and was illustrated in the plans annexed to the report.  As part of the development scheme, it was proposed that the current car park area, measuring 1,385 square metres, would be set out as publicly available stray land, thus more than replacing the amenity value of the appropriated land.


As indicated in paragraph 17, a statutory consultation process would need to be followed and the outcome would be reported to the Executive Member for Transport for a final decision.


Resolved:  (i)      That, subject to compliance with statutory consultation processes and a report to the Executive Member for Transport, the appropriation for highway purposes of land on those parts of Bootham Stray coloured red and stippled blue on the plan at Annex 1 to the report (‘the Access Land’) be approved.


                   (ii)      That approval be given to grant a short term licence to Newby Developments to carry out works to the Access Land.


Reason:     To allow access to the adjacent Nestle development site, to facilitate the proposed residential development and ensure a safe and sustainable road layout to enable the timely development of new housing.


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