Issue - meetings

North York Bus Scheme: Final Recommendations

Meeting: 25/10/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 37)

37 North York Bus Improvement Scheme pdf icon PDF 219 KB

This report summarises the outcomes of a consultation exercise with residents and businesses affected by proposed works to improve bus service reliability on Wigginton Road and requests the Executive Member’s permission to deliver a scheme which has been amended in the light of feedback received through the consultation exercise.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)       That  the works at the Haxby Road/ Wigginton Road/ Clarence Street/ Lowther Street junction be approved.


(ii)      That the works to remove the Wigginton Road/ Fountayne Street mini-roundabout be taken out of the scheme.


Reason:     This allows delivery of a scheme which will improve reliability of bus services on Wigginton Road without a deterioration to access to properties on Fountayne Street, Brigg Street and Hansom Place.



The Executive Member considered a report which summarised the outcomes of a consultation exercise with residents and businesses affected by proposed works to improve bus service reliability on Wigginton Road and sought the permission to deliver a scheme which had been amended in the light of feedback received through the consultation exercise.


The Executive Member noted the content of the two written representations which had been received in respect of this item, one from Councillor Craghill, Guildhall Ward Member, and one from a local resident, both of whom welcomed the decision to take  that mini roundabout at Fountayne Street out of the proposed scheme and made some other points.


The Executive Member acknowledged the reasons why a bus lane was not a viable proposal. He noted that all bus operators were supportive of the proposals and agreed that the plan which had been presented for changes to the junction was effective in terms of pedestrian safety.


Resolved:  (i)       That  the works at the Haxby Road/ Wigginton Road/ Clarence Street/ Lowther Street junction be approved.

(ii)      That the works to remove the Wigginton Road/ Fountayne Street mini-roundabout be taken out of the scheme.


Reason:     This allows delivery of a scheme which will improve reliability of bus services on Wigginton Road without a deterioration to access to properties on Fountayne Street, Brigg Street and Hansom Place.



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