Issue - meetings

PROW – Proposed improvements to the rights of way network in vicinity of Knapton

Meeting: 13/09/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 31)

31 Public Rights of Way - Proposed improvements to the rights of way network in vicinity of Knapton pdf icon PDF 230 KB

The Executive Member is asked to consider a report that proposes improvements to the rights of way network in the vicinity of Knapton.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the Executive Member:

(i)      authorises the making of concurrent extinguishment and creation orders under sections 118 and 26 of the Highways Act 1980. 

(ii)      authorises the confirmation of the orders as unopposed orders if no objections are received, or are received and withdrawn.

 (iii)    agrees that, if objections are received and not withdrawn, to bring the proposal back to a future Decision Session for further consideration.

Reason: To legally put in place the proposed improvements.


The Executive Member considered a report which proposed improvements to the rights of way network in the vicinity of Knapton which would include provide a safer crossing of the A1237 and would form the final stage of an off-road walking, riding and cycling route that would link Rufforth, Knapton, Acomb, Upper Poppleton and the Northfield Lane business parks.


The report asked the Executive Member to authorise the making of concurrent extinguishment and creation orders under sections 118 and 26 of the Highways Act 1980, to extinguish Public Footpath, Knapton No 2 and create a new bridleway linking Main Street, Knapton to the southern end of North Field Lane, utilising the current underpass to cross the A1237 (Annex 1: Location Plan and Annex 2: Proposed Order Plan).


The Executive Member acknowledged the written representation received from York Ramblers and agreed that the proposed improvements to the rights of way network would improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders needing to cross the A1237.


Resolved:  That the Executive Member:

(i)      authorises the making of concurrent extinguishment and creation orders under sections 118 and 26 of the Highways Act 1980. 

(ii)      authorises the confirmation of the orders as unopposed orders if no objections are received, or are received and withdrawn.

 (iii)    agrees that, if objections are received and not withdrawn, to bring the proposal back to a future Decision Session for further consideration.

Reason: To legally put in place the proposed improvements.


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