Issue - meetings

Lumley Road and St Luke’s Grove Resident’s Priority Parking Traffic Regulation Order

Meeting: 25/10/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 36)

36 Lumley Rd / St Luke's Grove Ward Committee Scheme, Residents Parking - Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 237 KB

This report provides details of a recent ballot on proposals for Lumley Road and St Luke’s Grove and of objections raised to the recent advertisement of a residents’ priority parking scheme for Lumley Road and St Luke’s Grove, Clifton.

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Resolved: That option 4 be approved: to overrule the objections and approve implementation of a full time Community Priority Residents Parking scheme.


Reason:     To provide a managed residents parking scheme supported by the majority of local residents to minimise the likelihood of obstruction to two-way traffic flow in Lumley Road and St Luke’s Grove, the said roads currently being adversely affected by indiscriminate/obstructive parking, thereby improving safety and improving the local community parking amenity.




The Executive Member considered a report that provided details of a recent ballot on proposals for Lumley Road and St Luke’s Grove and of objections raised to the recent advertisement of a residents’ priority parking scheme for Lumley Road and St Luke’s Grove, Clifton.


The Executive Member considered the following options available to him:


·        Option 1: Introduce the originally proposed parking restrictions scheme as detailed in the report to Executive Member Decision Session on 17 May 2018.

·        Option 2: Overrule the objections and approve a part-time Residents Parking Scheme.

·        Option 3: Overrule the objections and approve implementation of a full time Household and Business Residents Priority Parking scheme.

·        Option 4: Overrule the objections and approve implementation of a full time Community Priority Residents Parking scheme.

·        Option 5: Do nothing.


The Executive Member acknowledged that the problem would only get worse if nothing was done and agreed that option 4 be approved.


Resolved: That option 4 be approved: to overrule the objections and approve implementation of a full time Community Priority Residents Parking scheme.


Reason:     To provide a managed residents parking scheme supported by the majority of local residents to minimise the likelihood of obstruction to two-way traffic flow in Lumley Road and St Luke’s Grove, the said roads currently being adversely affected by indiscriminate/obstructive parking, thereby improving safety and improving the local community parking amenity.



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