Issue - meetings
Construction Charter
Meeting: 20/12/2018 - Executive (Item 85)
85 Construction Charter PDF 194 KB
The Deputy Chief Executive / Director of Customer & Corporate Services to present a report which seeks approval to introduce a minimum standards charter for construction projects procured by the council.
Additional documents:
Resolved: (i) That the mimimum standards charter attached as Annex 1 to the report be adopted.
(ii) That the council ensure that all existing and potential suppliers are made aware of the adoption of the charter.
(iii) That the council monitor performance of contractors against the standards contained in the charter.
Reason: To provide a clear statement of the way in which the council manages the commissioning and procurement of projects with the construction industry.
The Finance & Procurement Manager presented a report which sought approval to introduce a mimimum standards charter for construction projects procured by the council.
In 2014, Trades Unions had initiated a campaign to raise standards of employment, health and safety for workers in the construction industry, since when many councils had adopted a minimum standards charter. Officers had established that York was already complying with the main principles of the Union of Construction, Allied Trades & Technicians (UCATT) charter. However, the publication of a formal set of agreed minimum standards would ensure that there were clear protocols in place for the procurement of construction work.
The proposed charter, attached as Annex 1 to the report, set out the standards expected for all contractors but was not so prescriptive as to prevent small and medium sized businesses from working for the council.
Resolved: (i) That the mimimum standards charter attached as Annex 1 to the report be adopted.
(ii) That the council ensure that all existing and potential suppliers are made aware of the adoption of the charter.
(iii) That the council monitor performance of contractors against the standards contained in the charter.
Reason: To provide a clear statement of the way in which the council manages the commissioning and procurement of projects with the construction industry.