Issue - meetings

Petition seeking adoption of former Persimmon Estate, including Arlington and Tamworth Roads

Meeting: 12/07/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 10)

10 Petition requesting that the Council adopt streets on a Persimmon Homes estate, including Arlington Road and Tamworth Road pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To report the receipt of a petition and advise on the current position with adoption.


Additional documents:




(i)      That the recent progress on progressing towards adoption of the streets (as shown in Annex B to the report) be noted.


 (ii)     That the verbal update on progress given provided at the meeting be noted.


(iii)     That upon completion of the adoption of the streets (as per the plan annexed to the report), officers will notify the lead petitioner, the ward councillors and Executive Member.




(i)      This will respond to residents request to adopt the streets concerned.


(ii)      To provide a comprehensive and up to the minute picture and provide assurances as to the timeline for adoption.


(iii)     To confirm that the adoption has been completed.


The Executive Member considered a report which provided an update on progress towards the adoption of streets on a Persimmon Homes estate including Arlington Road and Tamworth Road in response to a petition received.


Officers advised that they had agreed with Persimmon what repairs and updates were needed to bring the streets up to adoptable standard and remedial works to the roads/footpaths had been completed as well as landscaping work. Work to the sewerage system had also been addressed. The only remaining issue was that of highway drainage. Road gullies had been cleaned out and found to be largely acceptable but with a few defects and officers were currently liaising with Persimmon to determine whether they would remedy these themselves or agree a sum for the council to rectify them. In terms of a timeframe, officers were unable to give exact date but advised that the adoption should be concluded later in the summer.




(i)      That the recent progress on progressing towards adoption of the streets (as shown in Annex B to the report) be noted.


 (ii)     That the verbal update on progress given provided at the meeting be noted.


(iii)     That upon completion of the adoption of the streets (as per the plan annexed to the report), officers will notify the lead petitioner, the ward councillors and Executive Member.




(i)      This will respond to residents request to adopt the streets concerned.


(ii)      To provide a comprehensive and up to the minute picture and provide assurances as to the timeline for adoption.


(iii)     To confirm that the adoption has been completed.


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