Issue - meetings
Developing a Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children and their families in York
Meeting: 26/04/2018 - Executive (Item 160)
160 Developing a Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children and their families in York PDF 489 KB
The Corporate Director, Children, Education and Communities to present a report which sets out a revised recommendation in relation to the capital budget for developing the Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children, following a further review of the financial business case for the Centre since the previous report to Executive in January.
[See also under Recommendations to Council]
Resolved: (i) That the revised financial business case for the development of a Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children and their families in York be approved.
Reason: In line with the results of the review of the level of capital receipts that can be generated.
(ii) That Officers prepare a comprehensive timetable for all developments and demolition within the projects covered by Windsor House / Centre of Excellence, Lincoln Court and Newbury Avenue Garages / Bungalows.
Reason: To ensure that there is co-ordination of the major traffic movements associated with each project.
[See also under Part B Minutes]
The Corporate Director of Children, Education and Communities presented a report which set out a revised recommendation in relation to the capital budget for developing the Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children.
Since the previous report to Executive, on 25 January 2018, a further review had found that the level of capital receipts that could be generated to support the capital budget for the centre had reduced by £350k. Consequently, the amount of council borrowing required had increased by £350k. Members were therefore asked to approve the revised business case and recommend the amended capital budget to Council.
Members re-iterated their support for this project and
Resolved: (i) That the revised financial business case for the development of a Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children and their families in York be approved.
Reason: In line with the results of the review of the level of capital receipts that can be generated.
(ii) That Officers prepare a comprehensive timetable for all developments and demolition within the projects covered by Windsor House / Centre of Excellence, Lincoln Court and Newbury Avenue Garages / Bungalows.
Reason: To ensure that there is co-ordination of the major traffic movements associated with each project.