Issue - meetings

2016/17 Speed Management Programme – Relocation of Speed Limits - Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders

Meeting: 20/12/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 56)

56 2016/17 Speed Management Programme - Relocation of speed limits - Experimental TRO's - results pdf icon PDF 209 KB

This report seeks approval to make permanent the experimental Traffic Regulation Orders at two sites on the 2016/17 speed management programme and to further consider the speed limits at two other locations in light of the results of these experiments.

Additional documents:




(i)      That the results of the experiment along with the objections and comments received be noted.


(ii)      That approval be given to make the traffic regulation order to relocate the start of the 30mph speed limit at Hopgrove Lane South, Hopgrove permanent.


Reason: To maintain the reduced speeds and improved compliance with the 30mph speed limit within the built-up areas.  


(iii)     That the decision be taken not to make the traffic regulation order to relocate the start of the 30mph speed limit at Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe permanent and for it to be moved back to its original location.


          Reason: Due to the concerns raised by Cllr Carr under public participation about the amount of opposition from Ward and Parish Councillors and residents in relation to the position of the experimental TRO.


(iv)    That  officers investigate the possibility of the addition of 30 roundel road markingsat the signs’ original location.


Reason: To further reinforce the start of the 30mph speed limits.


(v)     That the location of the start of the 30mph limit at Common Road Dunnington be reconsidered, in consultation with local representatives, to determine whether to retain the current experimental location or to revert to the previous location. The experimental location can be retained until August 2019.


Reason: To reconsider the most effective location for speed management near the sports club and within the village.


(vi)    That changing the existing 30mph speed limit start point on Murton Way, Murton, be re-considered in the 2019/20 speed management programme.


Reason: To determine whether a speeding problem still exists and to then reduce speeds within the village of Murton by moving the start of the 30mph limit in line with the findings of this experiment.



The Executive Member considered a report that sought approval to make permanent the experimental Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) to relocate the start of the 30mph speed limit closer to the built up areas at Hopgrove Lane South, Hopgrove and Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe in order to reduce traffic speeds, and to agree minor improvements to further enhance the effectiveness of the revised speed limit locations with the addition on 30 roundel road markings and the removal of vegetation at Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe local to the sign adjacent to the A64.


The report also asked him to reconsider the location of the 30mph speed limit at Common Road Dunnington  and the 30mph speed limit on Murton Way, Murton in light of these results.


He considered the options available to him, taking into account the comments made under public participation on behalf of Dunnington Parish Council and by the Companthope and Osbaldwick & Derwent Ward Councillors.


The Executive Member agreed that as no comments had been received in relation to Hopgrove Lane, Hopgrove, there was no reason not to make the experimental order permanent. With regard to Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe however, he acknowledged the opposition of residents and the Ward Councillor to the experimental position of the 30mph signs and agreed that this should not be made permanent. He asked officers to look into the possibility of introducing 30 roundel road marking at the original location as requested.


With regard to the location of the start of the 30mph limit at Common Road Dunnington he acknowledged the amount of opposition but agreed  that there was still further time for consultation and then a decision would be taken as to the best location for the 30mph limit. The Executive Member noted Ward Councillors concerns with regard to changing the existing speed limit start point on Murton Way in Murton and noted that this would re-considered in the 2019-20 speed management programme.




(i)      That the results of the experiment along with the objections and comments received be noted.


(ii)      That approval be given to make the traffic regulation order to relocate the start of the 30mph speed limit at Hopgrove Lane South, Hopgrove permanent.


Reason: To maintain the reduced speeds and improved compliance with the 30mph speed limit within the built-up areas.  


(iii)     That the decision be taken not to make the traffic regulation order to relocate the start of the 30mph speed limit at Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe permanent and for it to be moved back to its original location.


          Reason: Due to the concerns raised by Cllr Carr under public participation about the amount of opposition from Ward and Parish Councillors and residents in relation to the position of the experimental TRO.


(iv)    That  officers investigate the possibility of the addition of 30 roundel road markingsat the Tadcaster Road, Companthorpe signs’ original location.


Reason: To further reinforce the start of the 30mph speed limits.


(v)     That the location of the start of the 30mph limit at Common Road Dunnington be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56


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