Issue - meetings

Consideration of Petition Received from residents of 15-37 Albemarle Road requesting Residents’ Priority Parking

Meeting: 15/03/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 67)

67 Consideration of Petition Received from residents of 15-37 Albemarle Road requesting Residents’ Priority Parking pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To report the receipt of a petition for a resident priority parking scheme, and determine what action is appropriate.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  That Albemarle Road be added to the Residents’ Priority Parking waiting list (area to be determined by officers) and a formal consultation be undertaken when the item reaches the top of the list.


Reason:     To respond to the residents’ concerns in the order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each financial year.


Sandra Coates, lead petitioner, spoke under the Council’s scheme of public participation. She expressed her concerns about pedestrian safety issues caused by poor parking and asked that the Executive Member approve option one of the report (to add Albermarle Road to the residents priority parking waiting list).


Jane Simms, resident, asked that the area for investigation be extended beyond number 37 Albermarle Road as she felt any partial scheme would exacerbate existing parking problems on the remainder of the street, caused in part from users of a nearby facilities during the day.


The Executive Member responded to the comments made and added his own concerns of the knock-on impact of using resident parking schemes.


Resolved:  That Albemarle Road be added to the Residents’ Priority Parking waiting list (area to be determined by officers) and a formal consultation be undertaken when the item reaches the top of the list.


Reason:     To respond to the residents’ concerns in the order they are raised and can be progressed depending on funding available each financial year.


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