Issue - meetings

City Strategy Service Plans

Meeting: 11/12/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 61)

61 Directorate of City Strategy Service Plans 2007/08 Stage 1 pdf icon PDF 37 KB

This report seeks Executive Member approval for 2007/08 Service Plans 2007/08 Stage 1 for City Development and Transport, Planning and Sustainability and Resource and Business Management that falls within the Executive portfolio.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Leader be advised to approve the recommendations but to caution officers that the new Assistant Director for Economic Development will be expected to undertake a comprehensive review of the Councils economic development strategy and that this may well have implications for the Service Plans of the Directorate.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To monitor and review service planning issues and challenges facing City Strategy in the near future.


Members considered a report which sought approval for 2007/08 Service Plans Stage 1 for Economic Development (attached as Annex 1 to the report) and the Partnership Support team (attached as Annex 2 to the report) that fall within the Executive Leader portfolio.


Members of the Labour Group and Green Party reserved their position for Budget Council.


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Leader be advised to approve the recommendations but to caution officers that the new Assistant Director for Economic Development will be expected to undertake a comprehensive review of the Councils economic development strategy and that this may well have implications for the Service Plans of the Directorate.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To monitor and review service planning issues and challenges facing City Strategy in the near future.


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