Issue - meetings

Future Operation of Rowntree Park Lodge and Park

Meeting: 25/01/2018 - Executive (Item 108)

108 Future operation of Rowntree Park Lodge and Park pdf icon PDF 298 KB

The Corporate Director, Children, Education and Communities to present a report which proposes that funding be allocated to enable the regeneration of the upper floors of Rowntree Park Lodge and that these then be leased as a Holiday Letting, in order to invest in the Lodge and secure long term funding for the Park.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That approval be given to lease the upper floors of Rowntree Park Lodge as a Holiday Letting, subject to obtaining the consent of the beneficiary of the covenants imposed when ownership of the Park (including the site of the Lodge) was transferred to the council.


                   (ii)      That any net revenue generated be ring-fenced for the upkeep of Rowntree Park.


Reason:     To support Rowntree Park and its stakeholders in developing the facilities for a long term sustainable future.


[See also under Part B Minutes]


The Operations Manager, Public Realm, presented a report which sought approval for the allocation of funding to enable the regeneration of the upper floors of Rowntree Park Lodge, and their lease as a Holiday Letting to provide long-term funding for the Park.


Initiatives already taken to meet the ongoing challenge of supporting the running costs of, and capital investment in, Rowntree Park were detailed in paragraphs 8 to 12 of the report.  The upper floors of the Lodge, previously a park keeper’s residence, had been vacant since the retirement of an employee.  Officers had considered the following options to ensure its continued use, maintenance and contribution to core funding:

Option 1 – sell the leasehold on the open market

Option 2 – lease as private residential accommodation

Option 3 – lease as social residential accommodation

Option 4 – lease for commercial use

Option 5 – expand the existing Library / Cafe use

Option 6 – lease as a holiday letting.


Options 1, 2, 3 and 4 were not recommended as they did not comply with the legal requirement to dispose of land classed as open space for recreational use only.  Option 5 was not recommended due to the high cost of works required and problems in complying with disability requirements.


In response to matters raised under Public Participation, Officers confirmed that since the move to a mobile workforce the Lodge was not needed for staff accommodation and that the conversion costs in the report were based on professional estimates.


Resolved:  (i)      That approval be given to lease the upper floors of Rowntree Park Lodge as a Holiday Letting, subject to obtaining the consent of the beneficiary of the covenants imposed when ownership of the Park (including the site of the Lodge was transferred to the council.


                   (ii)      That any net revenue generated be ring-fenced for the upkeep of Rowntree Park.


Reason:     To support Rowntree Park and its stakeholders in developing the facilities for a long term sustainable future.


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