Issue - meetings
Sale of Land at Bootham Row Car Park
Meeting: 28/09/2017 - Executive (Item 60)
60 Sale of Land at Bootham Row Car Park PDF 97 KB
The Assistant Director of Regeneration and Asset Management to present a report which seeks a decision on the sale of a strip of land at Bootham Row Car Park to Bootham Developments LLP, owners of 27 Bootham.
Additional documents:
Resolved: That the sale of land at Bootham Row car park to Bootham Developments LLP for the sum of £155,000 be approved.
Reason: To achieve a capital receipt and improve the environment and public realm of Bootham Row and the surrounding area.
The Assistant Director for Regeneration and Asset Management presented a report which sought approval for the sale of a strip of land at Bootham Row Car Park to Bootham Developments LLP, owners of 27 Bootham.
The land in question was outlined in the plan at Annex 1. It adjoined 27 Bootham, a listed building owned by Bootham Developments LLP. The owners had proposed a scheme for developments at the rear of the building that would involve improvements to the public realm and the conservation area setting, including a new footpath and landscaping.
Due to the narrowness of the site, the land was not capable for development in its own right for any other use than car parking. In response to Members’ questions, Officers confirmed that they would not recommend its sale to a third party for that use. A provisional agreement had therefore been negotiated to sell the land to Bootham Developments for £155,000, which reflected its market value. Any consequent loss of parking income was likely to be displaced into the main car park and would be mitigated by the capital receipt from the sale.
Resolved: That the sale of land at Bootham Row car park to Bootham Developments LLP for the sum of £155,000 be approved.
Reason: To achieve a capital receipt and improve the environment and public realm of Bootham Row and the surrounding area.