Issue - meetings

Enforcement of Bus Lanes

Meeting: 14/09/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 29)

29 Bus Lane and Bus Gate Enforcement in York pdf icon PDF 321 KB

This report sets out a policy for enforcing bus stops/ stands, bus lanes and bus gates in York.  It proposes a set of interventions which would address known problems on the bus network and provide a level of enforcement which is considered to be fair and reasonable.





That the following be approved:


(i)           Continuing development of the approach set out in the report.

(ii)          Development of Bus Lane Enforcement schemes at Foss Islands Road Retail Park and Shipton Road by Rawcliffe Bar park and ride with delivery subject to further approval where necessary.

(iii)        Delivery of measures to enhance the visibility of the restricted bus only area at the station.

(iv)        Investigation of the operation of the remaining Bus Lanes in the city.




This will allow bus lane enforcement policy in York to be developed to best benefit bus services, in a measured and accountable way, and mitigates any risks from the failure of individual schemes



The Executive Member considered a report setting out a proposed policy for enforcing bus stops/stands, as well as bus lanes and bus gates in York.  It aimed to address ongoing issues on the bus network and provide a fair and reasonable level of enforcement.

Dave Merrett spoke under the Public Participation Scheme and largely welcomed the report on behalf of York Bus Forum, whilst raising concerns in relation to:

·        the implementation of enforcement;

·        problems around Stonebow Lane;

·        the possibility of introducing west bound enforcement;

·        there being no reference to yellow box enforcement;

·        and requesting that the York Bus Forum be involved in any stakeholder future consultation

Councillor Kramm also spoke on the issues at the Executive Member’s discretion, raising safety concerns and commenting that camera enforcement alone at Low Poppleton Lane might be insufficient. 

The Corporate Director of Economy & Place responded to the issues, explaining that the report was focussed around the requirements under current legislation and outlining what measures were undertaken to address problems.  Yellow boxes had now been removed and a new experimental Order planned for Low Poppleton Lane.

The Executive Member reviewed the proposed policy taking into account the issues raised.  He welcomed the progress made in addressing ongoing issues and the proposals to improvement enforcement, whilst, additionally, indicating that he would like problems around Stonebow Lane to be monitored and reviewed and potentially a second bus gate in Piccadilly to be considered.



That the following be approved:

(i)           continuing development of the approach set out in the report.

(ii)          development of Bus Lane Enforcement schemes at Foss Islands Road Retail Park and Shipton Road by Rawcliffe Bar park and ride with delivery subject to further approval where necessary.

(iii)        delivery of measures to enhance the visibility of the restricted bus only area at the station.

(iv)        investigation of the operation of the remaining Bus Lanes in the city.




This will allow bus lane enforcement policy in York to be developed to best benefit bus services, in a measured and accountable way, and mitigates any risks from the failure of individual schemes


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