Issue - meetings

Consideration of Objection in respect of Traffic Regulation Order, Referring to Bootham Terrace

Meeting: 14/09/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 28)

28 Consideration of objections received to an advertised proposal to change a R33GM Residents' Priority Parking Bay on Bootham Terrace to a Community Residents' Priority Parking Bay pdf icon PDF 258 KB

To report the objections received and to determine what action is appropriate.


Additional documents:


Resolved:                     That Option 2 be approved to implement a shorter length of community parking, based on a 4:2 split in favour of residents


Reason:                        To provide an equitable balance of parking amenity for all R33 Permit Holders.



The Executive Member considered a report of the Corporate Director of Economy & Place setting out details of objections received to proposals to change a R33GM Residents’ Priority Parking Bay on Bootham Terrace into a Community Residents’ Priority Parking Bay. 


Darren Shaw, a local resident, spoke in objection to the proposed change, on the basis that it was merely a short term fix and would not contribute to solving the parking issues long term, whilst Alex Mayfield, also a local resident, spoke in favour of the change.


Councillor Danny Myers, also spoke, as a Ward Councillor, expressing concerns about the saturation of parking in the area and across the city.  He expressed a preference for option 2 providing a shorter length of community parking and proposed a 4:2 split on available spaces in favour of residents.


The Executive Member considered the options in light of objections and representations received, including the comments of public speakers and  


Resolved:                     To approve Option 2 to implement a shorter length of community parking, based on a 4:2 split in favour of residents


Reason:                        To provide an equitable balance of parking amenity for all R33 Permit Holders.


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