Issue - meetings

Fossgate Traffic Management Consultation

Meeting: 22/06/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 7)

7 Fossgate Traffic Management Consultation pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The report presents the outcome of consultation carried out with residents and businesses in and off Fossgate in relation to potential traffic management changes.



(i)      That Option 4 be approved, to take forward  an Experimental traffic regulation order for up to 18 months to create a pedestrian zone except for access and pedal cycles 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week and to reverse the direction of the one way traffic flow.

Reason:  Because there is a good level of support indicated from the consultation and an Experimental scheme enables the council to respond rapidly to any unexpected issues that might arise during the experiment period; and

(ii)      That Option 7 be approved, to give delegated authority to  officers to:

(a)         determine where street cafes can be positioned between the hours of 11am and 5pm.

(b)         advertise a proposal to amend the York Parking Stopping and Waiting Traffic Order 2014 to include a no loading restriction for 10-15 metres at the Pavement end of Fossgate.

Reason: To further enhances the pedestrian priority in the street and provide good flexibility within the experimental period.



The Executive Member considered a report which detailed the outcome of consultation carried out with residents and businesses in and off Fossgate in relation to potential traffic management changes including making the street a pedestrian zone, reversing the one way traffic flow and re-allocating road space for street cafes.


The Executive Member considered two written representations which had been received from Councillor Andrew Waller and Mr Paul Hepworth on behalf of Cycling UK.


Councillor Waller’s written statement expressed concern that the reversal of traffic flow without an improvement to the safety of turning right from Coppergate into Piccadilly would lead to safety issues for cyclists. It stressed the importance of having a comprehensive cycling and pedestrian strategy for the city in order that a holistic approach could be considered whenever traffic flows on individual roads were being considered.


Mr Hepworth’s written statement welcomed the proposal to retain daytime access for cyclists in Fossgate and advised that the proposals would provide a useful test bed for the current DfT guidance on sharing space in Vehicle Restricted Areas and suggested looking at the streetscape design included in guidance. He advised caution in regard to the need to be realistic and accept that some cyclists may continue to misuse Fossgate by riding the wrong way along it. He asked that the extent to which this occurred should be monitored during the trial, with a view to considering legalising two way cycling in the future, both in Fossgate and Merchantgate.


Two people had registered to speak under the public participation scheme.


Mr John Pybus addressed the meeting on behalf of the Fossgate Association and as landlord of the Blue Bell pub in support of the proposals. He advised the Executive Member that the Fossgate Association had organised festivals in the street which had helped the street to become a better place and increased footfall had helped retailers. He felt that proposals would enable Fossgate to become a more vibrant and pedestrian friendly place to be but expressed some concerns about how the new rules would be enforced.


Councillor Denise Craghill spoke as Ward Councillor. She expressed her support for the proposals and felt that the recommended options represented a good balance of the consultation responses and that an experimental period would allow any concerns arising to be responded to. With regard to enforcement, she asked for assurances that the council would work with the police from an early stage. With reference to capital investment being announced, she questioned how it was intended to take forward the physical improvements needed (consultation and timescales) and how this would link with traffic management.


The Executive Member considered the following options:


A pedestrian zone except for access and pedal cycles, plus reversal of the one way traffic flow.


·        Option 1, take no further action.


·        Option 2, to approve taking forward a permanent TRO to create a pedestrian zone except for access and pedal cycles.


·        Option 3, to approve taking forward a permanent TRO as option 2  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7


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