Issue - meetings

Traffic Signal Asset Renewal – Heworth Road / Melrosegate, Tadcaster Road / St Helens, Rougier St / Tanner Row

Meeting: 22/06/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 4)

4 Traffic Signal Asset Renewal (TSAR) - Junction Alterations pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Members are asked to consider alterations to the following junctions that are required to allow replacement of life-expired signalling assets: Tadcaster Road / St Helens Road; Heworth Road / Melrosegate; Rougier Street / Tanner Row.


Additional documents:



i) That the proposed design for Tadcaster Road/St Helens Road junction be approved.

Reason: The recommended design offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst improving pedestrian facilities without significantly impacting vehicular traffic. It includes a minor improvement to safety.


ii) That the proposed design for Heworth Road/Melrosegate junction be approved.

Reason: The recommended design offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst minimising the impact on pedestrians and vehicular traffic. It includes a minor improvement to safety.

iii) That Design Option A be approved for Rougier Street/Tanner Row junction.

Reason: Design Option A offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst minimising the impact on pedestrians, vehicular traffic and air quality. It includes a minor improvement to safety.



The Executive Member considered a report which proposed alterations to the Tadcaster Road/St Helens Road, Heworth Road/Melrosegate and Rougier Street/Tanner Row junctions to allow replacement of life-expired signalling assets.


He considered a written representation which had been received from Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward Councillors in relation to the Tadcaster Road/St Helens Road junction which stated that residents and councillors were supportive of the proposals. It put forward the following points: removing the island on the southern arm would remove the need to replace damaged railings at regular interval; adding a crossing on the northern arm would be most helpful for pedestrians; and that residents would welcome further consultation on the exact location of the control box in relation to potential noise from beepers.


The Executive Member considered the following options detailed in the report:


Tadcaster Road/St Helens Road

Option 1 – to approve the recommended design for these junctions

Option 2 – not to approve the proposed junction design


Heworth Road/Melrosegate

Option 1 – to approve the recommended design for these junctions

Option 2 – not to approve the proposed junction design


Rougier Street/Tanner Row

Option 1 – to approve design option A junction design

Option 2 – to approve design option B junction design

Option 3 – not to approve either proposed junction design


The Executive Member accepted the reasoning behind recommended option A for the Rougier Street/Tanner Row junction which included a change in road alignment and the introduction of a ‘no left turn’ out of Tanner Row.



i) That the proposed design for Tadcaster Road/St Helens Road junction be approved.

Reason: The recommended design offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst improving pedestrian facilities without significantly impacting vehicular traffic. It includes a minor improvement to safety.


ii) That the proposed design for Heworth Road/Melrosegate junction be approved.

Reason: The recommended design offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst minimising the impact on pedestrians and vehicular traffic. It includes a minor improvement to safety.

iii) That Design Option A be approved for Rougier Street/Tanner Row junction.

Reason: Design Option A offers the best solution to allow replacement of the asset in line with current design standards, whilst minimising the impact on pedestrians, vehicular traffic and air quality. It includes a minor improvement to safety.



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