Issue - meetings

Speed Management 16-17 - Experimental Traffic Orders, Speed Limits Copmanthorpe, Dunnington, Hopgrove and Murton

Meeting: 13/04/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 70)

70 2016/17 Speed Management Programme - Relocation of speed limits - Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO's) pdf icon PDF 219 KB

This report seeks approval to implement experimental Traffic Regulation Orders at up to four sites on the 2016/17 speed management programme.

Additional documents:


Resolved: That;


(i)           Implementation of experimental Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to relocate the start of the 30mph speed limit at the three proposed sites be approved:


·        Hopgrove Lane South, Hopgrove

·        Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe


Reason: To trial the proposal to relocate the speed limit with the aim of achieving improved compliance with the 30mph speed limit within the built up areas.


(ii)          Officers report back the results of the trials to a future meeting, with a recommendation on either making the TROs permanent or returning to the existing arrangements.


Reason: The experimental order is limited to a maximum of eighteen months, and a decision will be required on making each speed change permanent.


(iii)        That an experimental speed limit order is progressed at Common Road, Dunnington with the change between the 30 and 40 mph positioned close to the Vehicle Activated Sign.


Reason:     To trial the proposal to relocate the speed limit with the aim of achieving improved compliance with the 30mph speed limit within the built-up areas.  


(iv)        That additional signs are provided at the Sports Club to mark out its position to vehicles.


Reason: To increase the visual impact of the Sports Club.      


(v)         Changing the existing 30mph speed limit start point on Murton Way, Murton be re-considered when the results from the initial trial sites are known.


Reason: Consultation has shown there is currently no support for including Murton Way as one of the initial trial sites.


The Executive Member considered a report which sought approval to implement experimental Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) at up to four sites on the 2016/17 speed management programme.


The Executive Member considered all the comments made by the public speakers and all written representations received.


Common Road, Dunnington


The Executive Member felt that he could not ignore the strength of public feeling when making his decision and asked Officers to re-examine the recommendation. He noted that it was a temporary order and that time needed to be given to see whether the order was effective.


Officers commented that they could trial the speed limit change near the Sports Club, whilst retaining the existing VAS, and speed data could be monitored and reported back to the Executive Member.  Additional signage would be provided at the Sports Club to highlight its location.


The Executive Member added that this option be trialled for six months and requested that Officers kept in contact with Parish Councillors and Ward Members.


Hopgrove Lane South


The Executive Member considered the comments made by Councillor Orrell under Public Participation.


Officers confirmed that there would be a package of road improvements included within the Monks Cross Plan.


Tadcaster Road


The Executive Member considered a written representation made by Peter Whitfield. In response to the representation, he felt that when traffic entered a built up area they were more likely to slow down.




Resolved: That;


(i)           Implementation of experimental Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to relocate the start of the 30mph speed limit at the three proposed sites be approved:


·        Hopgrove Lane South, Hopgrove

·        Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe


Reason: To trial the proposal to relocate the speed limit with the aim of achieving improved compliance with the 30mph speed limit within the built up areas.


(ii)          Officers report back the results of the trials to a future meeting, with a recommendation on either making the TROs permanent or returning to the existing arrangements.


Reason: The experimental order is limited to a maximum of eighteen months, and a decision will be required on making each speed change permanent.


(iii)        That an experimental speed limit order is progressed at Common Road, Dunnington with the change between the 30 and 40 mph positioned close to the Vehicle Activated Sign.


Reason:     To trial the proposal to relocate the speed limit with the aim of achieving improved compliance with the 30mph speed limit within the built-up areas.  


(iv)        That additional signs are provided at the Sports Club to increase the visibility of the facility to drivers on Common Road.


Reason: To increase the visual impact of the Sports Club.      


(v)         Changing the existing 30mph speed limit start point on Murton Way, Murton be re-considered when the results from the initial trial sites are known.


Reason: Consultation has shown there is currently no support for including Murton Way as one of the initial trial sites.




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