Issue - meetings

Economy and Place Capital Programme - 2017/18 Budget Report

Meeting: 09/03/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 64)

64 Economy and Place Capital Programme - 2017/18 Budget Report pdf icon PDF 179 KB

This report sets out the funding sources for the Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme, and the proposed schemes to be delivered in 2017/18.


Additional documents:


Resolved: (i) The proposed programme of schemes to be delivered in 2017/18 be approved.

Reason: To implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme.


Resolved: (ii) That  the inclusion of the upgrade of Belisha beacons at all zebra crossings, and for the renewal of markings on the city’s major roads be approved.


Reason: To implement projects approved in the Council’s budget to improve safety at Zebra Crossings and along main roads across the city funded from the Built Environment Fund.


Resolved: (iii)That the commencement of consultation with Fossgate residents and traders on a potential scheme to reduce the impact of traffic and improve the environment in the street with the results to be brought forward to a future Executive Member Decision Session regarding any potential changes to the Traffic Regulation Order be approved. A subsequent report would be submitted to the Executive to consider potential physical interventions alongside proposals for taking forward the Public Realm improvement works identified in the annual budget.

Reason: To develop a scheme to enable the environment for pedestrians to be improved in the city.


Resolved: (iv) That non statutory informative signs are installed whenever highway works are underway.


Reason: To ensure a greater level of public awareness whilst works are taking place.





The Executive Member considered a report which set out the funding sources for the Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme, and the proposed schemes to be delivered in 2017/18.


The Executive Member considered the comments made by the public speaker. Regarding cycle racks, he felt that there was no point in improving cycle lanes without firstly having adequate car parking facilities. In relation to Fossgate, he felt that options were still open and discussions were continuing with traders therefore he did not want to rule out the option of implementing a footstreet or reversing the one way system that was currently in place. He commented that it was not unreasonable for the traders on Fossgate to want a footstreet.


Officers commented that the Business Improvement District (BID) had received funding for secure cycle storage and so would, as part of the Castlegate and Clifford’s Tower development and in conjunction with the Council be identifying suitable locations.


The Executive Member commented in regards to Traffic Signal Asset Renewal that it would be useful to road users if there were informative signs to explain why the upgrades were taking place. Officers confirmed that non statutory signs could be installed.


Resolved:   The proposed programme of schemes to be delivered in 2017/18 be approved.

Reason: To implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme.


Resolved: (ii) That  the inclusion of the upgrade of Belisha beacons at all zebra crossings, and for the renewal of markings on the city’s major roads be approved.


Reason: To implement projects approved in the Council’s budget to improve safety at Zebra Crossings and along main roads across the city funded from the Built Environment Fund.


Resolved: (iii)That the commencement of consultation with Fossgate residents and traders on a potential scheme to reduce the impact of traffic and improve the environment in the street with the results to be brought forward to a future Executive Member Decision Session regarding any potential changes to the Traffic Regulation Order be approved. A subsequent report would be submitted to the Executive to consider potential physical interventions alongside proposals for taking forward the Public Realm improvement works identified in the annual budget.


Reason: To develop a scheme to enable the environment for pedestrians to be improved in the city.


Resolved: (iv) That non statutory informative signs are installed whenever highway works are underway.

Reason: To ensure a greater level of public awareness whilst works are taking place.





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