Issue - meetings

Amendment to the Markets Charter

Meeting: 01/11/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning (Item 16)

16 Amendment to the Markets Charter pdf icon PDF 163 KB

This report asks the Executive Member to vary the application of the Markets Charter to permit Acomb Market to take place on the last Friday of each month, following a successful trial in June 2016.

Additional documents:



Resolved:  To grant a licence for Acomb Market under the existing Markets Charter for York, subject to the following amended conditions:




·        Following the trial period the market would take place on the 4th Saturday of the month, commencing in January 2017.


·        Item 7 of the terms and conditions (Annex B/Annex 2) be amended to state that a token rent of £1 per market be payable to the Council. This would also apply to Haxby & District market as of January 2017.


Reason:     To allow for the monthly Acomb Front Street Market to take placeby a licence under the Charter.



The Executive Member was asked to consider a report which requested a variation in the application of the Markets Charter to permit Acomb Market to take place on the last Friday of each month, following a successful trial in June 2016.


Sally Foots, Secretary of ‘Acomb Alive!’ submitted a written representation on the following issue (this was attached to the online agenda following the meeting):


·        As per paragraph 19 of the Officers report £100 would be payable to the Council for each market. It was felt this would have a negative impact on the effectiveness of ‘Acomb Alive!’ and it was suggested that, as the council would not be involved in the organisation of the market, this be reduced to a ‘peppercorn’ rent.


In response to questions from the Executive Member Officers clarified that:


·        Once the trial period was over (Dec 2016), the market would take place on the 4th Saturday of every month, not on a Friday as stated in the report.

·        After consultation with the Legal department it was agreed that the Market Licence fee could be reduced from £100 per market to a token rent. This would make the small market more economically viable.


The Executive Member then considered the following options:


1.   Approve the licence under the Charter to allow the inclusion of Acomb Market on a similar basis to that made for provision of a Haxby Market.


2.   Do not approve the licence under the Charter and seek to prohibit the Acomb Street Market as a breach of the Markets Charter.



Resolved:  To grant a licence for Acomb Market under the existing Markets Charter for York, subject to the following amended conditions:





·        Following the trial period the market would take place on the 4th Saturday of the month, commencing in January 2017.


·        Item 7 of the terms and conditions (Annex B/Annex 2) be amended to state that a token rent of £1 per market be payable to the Council. This would also apply to Haxby & District market as of January 2017.


Reason:     To allow for the monthly Acomb Front Street Market to take placeby a licence under the Charter.



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