Issue - meetings
Council Housing – New Operating Model Options Stock Option Appraisal
Meeting: 13/10/2016 - Executive (Item 59)
59 Council Housing – New Operating Model Options Stock Option Appraisal PDF 413 KB
This report recommends that a full housing stock options appraisal is undertaken and, at the same time, develop tenant and staff panels and establish an ad-hoc cross party member scrutiny panel to consider the long term sustainability of the service and assess the different organisational governance models to support the final decision making process.
Resolved: That Executive agree:
(i) Option One, to appoint an independent body to undertake a full housing stock options appraisal, establish a project budget, agree the project governance structure as outlined in paragraph 31 of the report to recommend back to Executive a preferred option for the future management of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) housing stock, including building services and where appropriate recommendations for management and operational delivery of any other service that should be aligned to the housing and building service.
(ii) To note the financial implications set out in paragraph 49 of the report and to approve an allocation of £100,000 from the General Fund Contingency towards the stock options report.
Reason: (i) To ensure that the council, as part of the review of its corporate operating model, is able to make an evidenced based decision for the future management and ownership options for the HRA housing stock.
(ii) To ensure that the review can be funded from council resources.
The Executive considered a report which outlined a review of the operating model for the Council’s housing landlord service to be undertaken in light of the wider changes to the local government sector and in order to improve service delivery, reduce costs and transfer future risk away from the Council.
Officers reported on the present high level of tenant satisfaction, delivery of the housing landlord service and expenditure and of the need to ensure the best solution for tenants in terms of quality and sustainability of the service. Officers recommended the undertaking of a full housing stock options appraisal whilst also developing tenant and staff panels and an ad-hoc cross party member scrutiny panel to consider the long term sustainability of the service and assess organisational governance models to support the final decision making process.
Members noted the recent national changes that could affect the financial viability of the Council’s Housing Revenue Business Plan, including the reduction in social housing rents, the extension of the Right to Buy to Housing Associations together with the impact of further welfare reforms.
Resolved: That Executive agree:
(i) Option One, to appoint an independent body to undertake a full housing stock options appraisal, establish a project budget, agree the project governance structure as outlined in paragraph 31 of the report to recommend back to Executive a preferred option for the future management of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) housing stock, including building services and where appropriate recommendations for management and operational delivery of any other service that should be aligned to the housing and building service.
(ii) To note the financial implications set out in paragraph 49 of the report and to approve an allocation of £100,000 from the General Fund Contingency towards the stock options report. 1.
Reason: (i) To ensure that the council, as part of the review of its corporate operating model, is able to make an evidenced based decision for the future management and ownership options for the HRA housing stock.
(ii) To ensure that the review can be funded from council resources.