Issue - meetings

Petition: Lighting on Walmgate Stray

Meeting: 08/09/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 29)

29 Petition: Lighting on Walmgate Stray pdf icon PDF 88 KB

This report concerns a petition which closed on 7 July 2016, requesting that City of York Council install lighting on the footpaths through Walmgate Stray.


Additional documents:


Resolved: That the Executive Member for Transport and Planning


i. Noted the petition

ii. Referred the safety concerns expressed in the petition to the

appropriate partnership forums


Reason:     To consider an appropriate response to the concerns whilst ensuring that street lighting budgets are used effectively and works are not carried out that would deliver wider negative impact.



The Executive Member was asked to consider a report concerning a petition, which closed on 7 July 2016, requesting that City of York Council install lighting on the footpaths through Walmgate Stray.


Officers clarified that the Walking and Cycling Officer had indeed been aware of the report, and that the trial of ‘waymarkers’ was a separate issue to the one under consideration.


The Executive Member noted the public speakers comments, alongside written representations from Councillors D’Agorne and Taylor. He stated that he felt the use of luminous paint was something that could be considered as part of the separate ‘waymarking’ trial.


The following options were then considered

A.    To recommend to Council through the budget process allocation of capital funding to under take a more detailed feasibility study to provide the lighting requested.

B.    To refer the safety concerns expressed in the petition to other appropriate forums


Resolved:  That the Executive Member for Transport and Planning


                                                           I.  Noted the petition

                                                         II.  Referred the safety concerns expressed in the petition to the appropriate partnership forums.  



Reason:     To consider an appropriate response to the concerns whilst ensuring that street lighting budgets are used effectively and works are not carried out that would deliver wider negative impact.



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